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Sometimes, I mean most of the times, life is more than just a game.

A game is a form of play that makes people entertained and occupied for continuous hours in a day,

It's something we do to distract ourselves from the reality we are running from to keep things more doable and viable,

It is what a singular person or a group consisting of two or more people would do as a challenge to test their skills,

While still enjoying what their doing since they know that even if the lose or fail this simple gameplay,

Whether you died or you miscalculated the next move you need to do,

There could be another chance or even other options to do and possibly master to perfection.

A game is what a family plays on weekends when they finally have time to see each other and bond and communicate like what a common household would do,

Yet for Chaewon to be able to play games where she is alone,

Where she has nobody to lean on or to ask if she's actually doing the right thing,

Only her brother knows what she wants to get out of this even if she's just watching her from a distance,

Even if she doesn't talk to her or even if he doesn't get any kind of update from her sister,

He is the guy who thought her how to play right and balance decisions when she needs to,

It may not be the most ethical or clear way but Chaewon knew how to move on her own,

And that's what matters the most since to move on any other way is better than being stuck at the start,

Having no idea on what you need to do before time unforgivably gives you you're own ending right where you are.

Speaking of her brother,

Chaewon's going down to the parking lot right now to meet him since he's being him,

He want's her to fetch him from down here if she's going to insist that he spends this very free and peaceful and non-negotiable Saturday inside her house,

She didn't say anything on why she wants him to be there but if one thing's for sure,

Like how Chaeyeon or Eunbi or any of her other friends,

There's gotta be something more going on other than the misunderstanding last Thursday night between Chaewon and their dad,

She's not the kind who wants people to continuously circle around her and Heecheol's very much aware of that.

Spotting her brother's car a couple of lot's away from where she keeps her bike locked,

Chaewon stole a glance to her bicycle without even stopping since she knows that nobody really gives attention to her compact and 'girly' bike,

Unlike the mountain bikes chained around the front where the motorcycles usually swarm in,

Hearing his engine stop coming with his headlights going off,

Chaewon jogged her way to where he is so he wouldn't 'sulk' at her and act like an adult brat blabbering that he got here without even seeing her face first before he got out of his car.

"Ready to go back at our house?"

Heecheol joked without even looking at Chaewon, his sister not even batting him a glance since she doesn't need and want to,

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