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Louis' POV:

"YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE?" Zayn practically screams when I tell them about my conversation at the cafe with Harry, but 'accidentally' forgetting to include the fact that I called him cute. I still can't believe I let it slip, and likewise, can't believe he feels the same about me.

But nonetheless, it makes me smile a bit more than it should.

We just got home and I originally refused to tell them anything because they'd make a huge deal out of it, which they currently are. But when Zayn threatened to be extra loud tonight if I didn't speak up, I caved in out of peer pressure.

And as a side note, I plan to go out again tonight and avoid them at all costs. I know them well enough to know they'd keep up their end of the threat whether I told them or not. So yeah, bad move on my part agreeing to say anything in the first place.

"It's not a date, you guys," I cover my ears, hoping the ringing from Zayn's excited yell will stop, "Me and Harry just hanging out tomorrow at his place, that's all."

"Doing what," Liam smirks and elbows Zayn before the two of them wiggle their eyebrows and proceed to make a series of absolutely obscene gestures with their hands.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I swat them on their arms until they stop making blowjob gestures while trying to suppress their laughter.

"If you don't tell us, we're going to start making assumptions," Liam points out, and Zayn nods.

"If you must know, we're just hanging out and playing pool and stuff," I flip them both off, "Piss off, wankers."

"And stuff? What kind of stuff, Louis?" They snicker amongst themselves and Zayn whispers something to Liam before looking down at his crotch and back up at him, earning himself a smug smirk from Liam.

Yep, I'm definitely finding somewhere else to sleep tonight. I'm not putting up with them, I need proper sleep.

I trudge to my room as Liam and Zayn call out, "Aw, Lou, come on, we're just fucking with you! Would you prefer we fuck with one another instead?"

I turn around and stick my tongue out at the two of them before closing the door behind me as they sit down to watch a movie on the sofa. God, they're nonstop sex machines, it's always on their mind.

My phone is on the table next to my bed and I grab it as I plop down on my bed, trying to think of something to do tonight (and maybe somewhere to stay).

Me: hey Juan, want to get some drinks with me tonight?

Juan Luis: yeah! where do you want to go?

Me: there's a gay bar downtown called Duckies and we can scope out cute guys for you :)

Juan Luis: can we please? i'm so single it's unbearable

Me: haha imagine if you just started dating Benito since you see him all the times at work. oscar told me he's packing

Juan Luis: i'm convinced he hates my guts

Juan Luis: and ffs louis I did NOT need to know that. is that really what u and Oscar talk about during our lunch break?

Me: I promise he doesn't 'hate your guts'. and no, not normally. just the one time, when oscar brought it up. said he saw by accident one day when Benito was wearing tighter pants and didn't have an apron on

Juan Luis: i don't think it's a good idea to try and date my boss, nor is it a good ideas to look at his you know what

Me: his dick

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