Tej, Scarlet, and David looked on the table to see multiple images taken of a man hanging off a building with a missing head and another was a Taliban covered with slash wounds almost as if the man was attacked by a bear, his left arm was sliced clean off and his gut was exposed from his body.

All eyes were then locked to Tej as another image shows a figure holding a Kukri knife who was dragging a body along the street.

Tej sighs, "Sir, all of those are my doing sir." Tej stepped up to the Lieutenant. "I know it was unnecessary but we did what we needed to do to find Terry."

"Thapa, actions like this will reflect negatively on us and for the civilians! What you could do, they could do worse!"

"And that's why I made sure they won't sir." Tej interrupted.

Alistair raised his eyebrow in confusion. "What are you implying Thapa?"

Tej lowers his head with a hint of both guilt and amusement. "We killed them all and I made sure that no one was left alive. We also captured and interrogated one in which he gave up the intel on Fish. Then I drugged him so he doesn't remember a thing.

"But was this all necessary, Thapa? Or was this to fuel your little 'fun'? You think this squad is still a playground for misfits like you?"

Tej looked up with a stoic glare, "No sir, I do not."

Seeing the situation getting grim, Scarlet steps up to her partner and faces her commander, "With all respect sir, Thapa knows what he's been doing and never once did the Taliban retaliate for his actions."

Alistair lowers his head, taking in the Scottish marine's word. "Ever since the day you both joined the team, you were both misfits from the start. Both of you have been walking a thin line and a court-martial is on my mind and yet I'm still showing mercy to you two. Why should I even trust a word from you?"

"Because we don't let the best come, we make it happen," Tej replies.

Alistair chuckles to the Nepali as he quotes his own words from the past, the same word that drives Alistair's team to success.

The Lieutenant sighs in defeat, "You three will be joining me and Sergeant Thomson on a three-day patrol by 0600. No question asked and my order is absolute. Got it?!"

"Yes sir." The marines replied.


Hours after the conversation with their commanding officer, the three marines were sitting outside the Shooting range with their MRE in hand. David munches into the food while Tej and Scarlet watch other marines practising with their guns.

"Jesus I thought he's going to kill us" David wiped off the food from his face.

"But still we've been put into a patrol for three days. Probably going to be the most boring days of my life" Tej adds. "Hey, Mac, what do you think?"

"Honestly, I think we just did a great job."

Tej chuckles, "Yeah I know... The Lieutenant and his bloody rules, like the Taliban, would care a damn about it."

Scarlet nodded in confirmation, but moments later she felt a great pain coming from her stomach, which caused her to hold her lower body.

Tej turns to his Scottish partner only to hear her face filled with unease, "Hey Mac, are you ok?"

Scarlet pushed the Nepali out of the way and suddenly ran off toward her tent. Scarlet felt as if she was being boiled alive, sweating and dazed by the feeling she got.

"Save Valkyria... Save Europa..."

A voice whisper in her head. The voice's slowly intensifies by the second with every whispers. The Scottish marine saw a mirror which was placed on Mary's bed and saw her two separate coloured eyes turn red and her hair glowed blue.

Her body then released a beam of blue light that shot out of her body.

Scarlet didn't know what's going on, she was bamboozled by the Supernatural event that is consuming her. Scarlet held her head tightly as a beam of blue light started to surround her and suddenly it turned into a blue flame. The pain felt as if a thousand knives had impaled her entire body. Scarlet would let out a loud cry for a brief second before her adrenaline kicked in and immediately she laid flat on the floor and rolled to extinguish the flames.

The Scottish marine saw a mirror which was placed on Mary's bed and saw her two separate coloured eyes turn red and her hair glowed blue. Scarlet didn't know what's going on, she was bamboozled by the Supernatural event that is consuming her.

From the outside, Tej entered the tent to only widen his eyes in shock to witness his Partner being engulfed by blue flames. He quickly snaps into action and grabs a blanket and launches himself onto his parents and attempts to stop the flame, desperately trying to save his partner.

Soon the fire would be extinguished and immediately Tej removed the blanket. He then saw Scarlet laid on the floor, emitting a bright blue aura around her body. Scarlet blinked twice, both utterly confused and shocked by what happened. She then got back on her feet and faced her partner with a worried stare and asked, "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know. I'm a surgeon, not an exorcist." Tej twists his head around Scarlet's body to check for any burns. "Jesus Mac, are you hurt? Any injury?"

Scarlet shook her head, "I'm fine... Just got a headache."

"Your hair also has gone a bit blue."

Scarlet looked down to see the tips of her red hair had turned blue, but by this point, she was not surprised.

She sighs, "What a bloody day." Scarlet mutters loudly

"Mac, I think I need you to head to the medical tent for evaluation-" He was then cut short by his partner.

"No! I'm ok Tej." She protested, "I'm good."

"Mate you just set yourself on fire! I don't even know what else could happen. I need to know fully if you're going to be ok."

"I'm fine Tej!"

Tej sighs in defeat, "Scarlet, I'm trying to help you."

"Then fuck off." she spat at Tej with venom.

Tej was taken by surprise by this sudden aggression, but he doesn't want to escalate the situation with his partner. He wisely walked out of the tent and met up with David who was waiting for him and Scarlet to return.

Tej was utterly confused by that situation, never in his life had he seen anything like it.

"Hey, Thapa? What's wrong?" David asked, seeing the Nepali's eyes were filled with worry.

"Nothing Croft. Just one hell of a day..."

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