Chapter 8: The Less I Know The Better

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Lucia POV
Over the last two day we prepared ourselves for the fight against the killer. Practicing using some of the weapons. I later realized some of the guns were sold by my mom. I understood why she did it. She was trying to pay off some of my fathers debt. One thing she did right.

Most of the weapons were knives. We started packing the knives into our small bags we were going to bring.

"You guys aren't nervous about this?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Guys I think before we do this. Maybe we should do something fun. Like be teenagers. This maybe the last time we get a chance to be normal teens." Jaime said.

"Why? Scared you might get your head cut off by the killer." Said Ryan.

"You mean Kang." Jaime said.

"We don't know that for sure." I said.

"I mean she's the one that killed Matt. I have a feeling." Jaime said.

Third Person POV

As the teens talked about their suspicion of Kang. They didn't know that Kang was in the house. She snuck through the living room window.

The door was open just a crack. She saw through the crack their weapons they had in bags. She was listening to what they were saying.

Kang walk quietly out to the window to leave.
It was time for them to know.

Lucia POV
"We should pay Kang a visit." Jaime said.

"Why?" Said Julie.

"To tell her. Our suspicion." Jaime said
"Ok now your out of your mind." Said Ryan. I just stared at him.

"C'mon" Jaime said. He gets up and walks to the door.

I stop him. "Jaime no ok."

"Yes we have to say something. Let's just go see if I'm right or wrong. The. We'll leave and do that fun things teens doing." Jaime said.

"Fine." I said. We all walk to Kang's house. I felt a bit nervous on how this could turn out. Maybe I was scared Jaime would be right.

We arrive and Jaime knock on her door. We all stare at each other waiting for Kang.

"Maybe she's not. Oh well. We'll just g-" said Ryan. Kang opened the door.

"Hey." Kang said smiling.

"We need to talk. Inside." Jaime said.

"Ok. Come in." Kang said. We go inside. Kang closes the door.

"What did you guys want to talk about?" Kang said.

"We know." Ryan said. He slaps his mouth shut.

"Know what?" Kang said suspiciously.

"We have suspicion that your the killer." Said Jaime. For a moment I saw Kang face. It was emotionless. She walks up to us. I felt a little more nervous.

"What proof? Your accusing me of something very serious." Kang said.

"The day Matt died. We went to go talk to him about you. I think it's quere suspicious that we died that same day. Also your response to your family being killed didn't sit well with me." Said Jaime.

"You know how long the killer has been doing this. 15 years. I was 6 when they started." Kang said.

"Jaime I th-." I said before Ryan interrupted me.

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