Chapter 2: Teenagers

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Lucia POV
Their were a bunch of murders going on in the town. So bad that the town had to have a curfew. Most of the towns people were to scared to go out at night. Even the woods had to have a warning sign during the day as well. For years the police can't catch the killer. Even they lost count as to how many kills have happened. Seems to be one every week.

I mean the killings were brutal. Dismembered bodies, missing body parts, and sometimes they can't even find the body of the missing person. Some of them were my friends as well.

I remember my mom telling me when Mr and Mrs. Park committed suicide across the street from us. It was sad, since I knew Kang because are around the same age. Kang and I weren't the closest of friends. She was sometimes serious.

Since those Suicides, the town changed completely. People think the killer are Mr. and Mrs Park ghosts. I think it's a load of bullshit.

I get ready for school. I run down stairs and eat some cereal before I go of. My mom and my friends parents agreed that we walk to school together. My mom was a nurse and she worked early mornings, so I don't see her until like 6 pm at best.

I heard a knock on my door. I opened and it was Ryan, Julie, and Jaime.
"You ready!" Said Ryan.

"Yea!" I said as we head out.
"So did you hear. That Samantha is gone. No one can find her. Last people saw her was last night at the jocks party." Said Jaime.

"Well we all know what that means here in Greenfield. She's dead." Said Ryan.

"I mean we don't know that for sure." I said.
"Yes we do. I mean how many people here turn up missing and later find their bodies. All of them Lucia." Said Ryan.

"Doesn't it scare you that your neighbors killed themselves." Said Julie.

"Not really they were nice people. I remember they brought me some cookies." I said.

"How could you remember that you were like 2 or 3." Jaime said.

"Cause it was Halloween that's why I remember." I said.

"The night they died?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, that....night" I said. I felt a shiver go up my spine.

We arrive to school. A lot of my classes are the same as Ryan, Jaime and Julie. That's was the plus of school.
"So you guys going to that secret Halloween party in the woods." Ryan asked.

"When? In the woods?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm going. I don't really care about the warning anyways. What's the probability of me running into the killer." Said Jaime.

"I don't know if that safe." Julie said.
"C'mon this would be our first Halloween party in High school." Said Ryan.

"Yeah I'll go. Maybe we can catch this fucking killer." I said.

"Hey that's also a good idea." Jaime said.

"What? Catch the Killer? Really Jaime your out of your mind if you think we can catch him. If the police can't then what's the probability we will." I said.

"Cause we can decode the clues." Jaime said.

"Even if he does leave clues." Julie said.

"No that's a bad idea." I said.

"I think we can do it. Imagine we actually catch him or her. Then imagine the prize they'll give us." Ryan said.

I had a feeling this was bad, but I wanted some excitement in my life and this could be a cool story to tell my kids I guess.

"I don't know ok. This killer has some brutal killings." Said Julie.

"C'mon it will be fun. Who gets to say we chased after a killer. This has been going on for 16 years don't you think that's enough. We should do something about it." Said Jaime.

"Those who say I are into catching a killer." Said Ryan.

"I" said Jaime.
"Ugh. I" I said.
"Those who say nay are not into catching a killer."
"Nay" says Julie.

"Nays are overuled. Ladies and gentlemen we are going to catch us a Killer before we turn 18. Hahaha." Said Ryan.

After school was finished we decided to plan this out at my house. Since my mom was at work like always. I mean me and my mom don't really have that good of relationship in the first place. Since my father died everything about her had changed.

We all walked home like usual.
"So do you guys think the killer is a she or a he?" Jaime asked.

"Idk. Why you asking us." I said.

"Because that could be important." He said.

"I think he doesn't have a type of person to kill." Ryan said.

"What do you mean?" Julie said.

"Ok so like some serial killer go after certain types of people because of childhood trauma or like the have a grudge against that said person." Ryan said.

"And?" I said.

"I'm thinking that the killer here doesn't have a certain type of person to kill. Like he or she isn't after only women or women." Ryan said.

As we step out of the campus doors I see Kang getting out of her house. I wave at her and she waves back. She looked like she was in a hurry because she pulled out of her driveway quickly.

"Who was that?" Jaime asked.

"Kang Park. She graduated here like three years ago. She was also my neighbor'a daughter. The one across the street from me." I said.

"Oh I remember. Yeah only by her parents killing themselves. Sad." Jaime said.

"Yeah." I said as we walked to my house.

We all just decided to have a sleepover. Don't get any bad ideas I know. We order some food and we start our plan on how we are going to catch the killer.

"I think we should start getting clues and when the party comes we strike." Jaime said.

"We really going to the party." I said.

"Yes! The woods would be a good spot to strike the killer." Ryan said.

"Or to get ourselves killed!" Julie said.

"If we're in a group the. We won't. We need more people though so." Ryan.

"Yeah like people would want to join." I said.

"I think we should go out today. At night. That's when he strikes the most." Jaime said.

"Ok now your out of your mind." I said.

"Ughhhh. Why?" Julie said.

"We'll have each other's backs. As long as we don't separate we are good. Plus it's almost dark out. C'mon?" Jaime said.
Ryan was silent the whole time. Which I found it weird cause he's never silent.

"Ryan?" I said.

"Ok." Ryan said.
"Fine." Me and Julie said.
We were probably going to get ourselves killed.

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