Chapter 4:The Bond

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Lucia POV

We reach my house and we lock the door as we all came in. We all stopped to catch our breath I. The living room. Trying to digest what the fuck we saw.

"I know I'm not tripping or shit but did we just witness a FUCKING MURDER!" Ryan said.

"I think we just need to calm down and think ok." Julie said.

"Really cause I'm freaking out right now!" Said Ryan.

"Ryan please your making it worse." I said.

"We could have stopped him. We could have caught hi-" said Jaime.

"Yeah then what Jaime. Think this through we couldn't have done anything ok. I know it sounds bad but that killer could have token us all down even if we ganged up on him ok!" I said.

"Ok guys just calm down alright." Julie said.

"I'm sorry but I'm freaking out. Did you guys see how he twisted his HEAD BACK! Like heads aren't suppose to do that!" Ryan said.

"Did you guys make out the killers face?" Asked Julie.

"No, I didn't see their faces. Only their body movements." I said.

"Me too." Ryan said.

"C'mon we were so close." Jaime said.

"Yeah Jaime in getting killed." I said.

"Now what are going to do. We can't go back there now. Not after what we just saw." Ryan said. Jaime like always had a plan.

"We have too. The Halloween party isn't that far away. If we kept going back to the cabin or the woods in general we could get better evidence. During the day would be better." Jaime said.

"No, we can't get our selves killed again. We barely made it today." I said.

"Lucia I know your scared but we might have to do this." Said Julie. Something that surprised us all. As she was one of us that thought this was a bad idea before me.

"Julie what?" I said.

"My dad has been telling me the police are losing faith in being able to capture the killer. They can't get fingerprints or really anything." Julie said.

Her dad works for the police. He has for about 17-18 years now. Now he's Sheriff Hernandez. If the police are almost giving up then who will stop him. What she said got me thinking.

"Or did you forget about Oscar." Said Jaime.

Oscar was also part of our little friend group. We would ride our bikes to school all of us. We had a blast all of us being a complete friend group. Unfortunately Oscar was a victim of the killer. He was found dead the next day of his kidnapping. The killer slit his throat so far that his neck flapped back. We didn't go to school for like about a week or two because of it.

"No I don't forget. It's just this is dangerous." I said.

"Basically stepping out our door now is dangerous Lucia. That's the world. Trying to kill us everyday. If the fucking cops won't do shit then maybe it's time we did." Said Jaime.

Pretty soon we're not going to have much people to trust. Everyone is just giving up.

"If we die, we die together. We die trying." Said Ryan. He held out his hand. Jaime put his hand out on top of his. Then Julie. I stared at their hands. We were really doing this. Something not a lot of people do. They were right it had to stop. Who better than a bunch of stupid, young, and wildly teenager than us. I put my hand out as well.

"Let's catch us a serial killer then." I said.

"For Oscar." Jaime said.
"For Oscar." We all said and lifted our hands up.

We're coming for you serial killer.

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