🌸 d a i s i e s 🌸

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It was a gloomy day. Boring as usual. Yashiro trudged to school, eyes half lidded, still laced with sleep, and hair as unkempt a birds nest. Small strands of hair fluttered around her head with the wind. Not like she cared. Spring break had ended, and Yashiro's sleep schedule was severely messed up.

Blowing a hair strand out of her face, she checked the time on her phone. It read 8:20am. Only 10 minutes to get to school. Despite the cold, she picked up her pace and shoved her phone harshly back into her bag. She sighed and looked at the sky. At least there was something to look forward to when she arrived at school.

And it was not what she expected.

"Nene chan! Isn't this amazing! You must have a secret admirer!"

Yashiro stood dumbfounded at her desk. Albeit her hair was still a mess, her eyes were no longer half lidded. They were wide open. And she was MORE than awake. There, in front of her, on her desk, sat a daisy. A small daisy, the size of her little finger. Next to it, was a piece of paper with the words 'to Yashiro' neatly, yet messily scrawled with a pencil.

"Nene chan?"

Aoi tiled her head and bent down to see Yashiro's face as she stared at the flower on her desk. Yashiro didn't look back. Her eyes were superglued to the daisy in front of her. Her palms pressed so firmly onto the desk, her fingertips were white.

"Uh, Nene chan? Earth to Nene?"

Concerned for her best friend, Aoi flicked Yashiro's cheek.


Back to normal. Blood shot up to Yashiro's face. Her heart felt like it was about to break out of her chest and onto the ground. She let out a squeal and held her cheeks in her hand. This was certainly the most flustered Aoi had seen her. Spluttering and stuttering, Yashiro gently picked up the note on the desk.

"A-are you sure it's addressed to me?"
"Yep, totally sure!"

Yashiro held the paper tightly in her hand. She flipped it over and over to see if there was any sign that it contained the name of someone else. But no matter how hard she rubbed her eyes, no matter how many times she flipped the paper over, the messy, swirly scrawl stayed the same. 'To Yashiro'.

Amongst all of the excitement, Yashiro completely forgot about what she was excited for on the first day back. It was lunch break, and her and Aoi were sat at Yashiro's desk, conspiring over who placed the flower on her desk.

She beamed, the smile not leaving her face. Yashiro's cheeks ached from how much she had been smiling that day. Aoi was equally excited as her friend. Yashiro clearly wanted it to be a hot guy. They continued giggling and whispering, pointing at boys in their class, evaluating who it could be, if he was in their class.

They drew some attention, boys victim to their pointing and giggling looking confused and annoyed at them. Their conversation was quickly cut short by a certain boy with yellow hair.

"Hey, whatcha talking about?"

Kou stood above them, leaning both palms on the desk. Yashiro and Aoi looked up at him.

"Oh! Kou-kun! Look! Someone gave me a flower!"

Yashiro excitedly pulled the daisy out of her pocket and held it in her palm for Kou to see. His face distorted into a mix of anger and disgust for only a millisecond, if you blinked, you'd miss it.

"W-who gave you that senpai?"
"I don't know, but I sure hope it's a hot guy!"

Yashiro beamed up at him. Kou was obviously jealous, but of course Yashiro was totally oblivious to this.

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