"Oh, these" -Margaret headed to the fireplace, peeking up some diamond-looking stones the size of a tennis ball- "are solas stones. You place them to your liking and they light up in the dark."

Layla observed the diamond balls with curiosity. "How do they do that?"

"They are magic, dear."


Margaret sat on the other chair, taking the jar and filling two cups with what looked and smelled like wine. She offered one to her. "I know all this must be very difficult for you."

"You believe me then?" Layla looked at her with expectation.

Margaret shrugged her shoulders. "I believe you believe it. But what really happened, only the gods know." She made a dismissive gesture. "You been here, and 'tis good enough for me!"

A bitter smile settled on Layla's lips. "If only everybody felt that way."

Margaret patted her palm tenderly. "Now, don't judge him too hard, dear. He loved you... he loved Lila deeply." The woman's face darkened. "He was going to propose to hir the night we found hir murdered."

Layla's eyes widened with horror and placed her hand to her mouth as if to suppress a scream. The old lady continued. "Petrified, like made of rock. From black magic."

Tears were running down Layla's face.

"We never discovered who did it. Xander, my poor boy, after hir death, became hard like stone himself. A different man. All the light inside him died."

Layla contemplated for a minute what had happened to her, and what she was now finding out had happened to Xander. What the hell was wrong with the universe?

"So imagine," Margaret went on, "aefter almost two years, the healer coming to tell you a girl sleeps in his infirmary, dressed funny and looking like Lila."

"The healer?" asked Layla confused.

Margaret nodded. "You never met him. He left before you woke up to come and tell Xander. He told his assistant to nat let you leave."

"That explains her behavior," murmured Layla, an image of the nervous young nurse running after her in panic mode flashing inside her mind.

Margaret's eyes widened. "You should have seen Xander! He stormed out of the keep like a madman! I saw him and asked around what was going on. I am the oldest employee of the castle. Everybody tells me everything," she chortled. Then, she became solemn again. "I followed along. I wanted to find you first. I been afraid of his reaction."

Layla jumped up and took Margaret's hand in her own. "Thank you so much! I owe you my life!"

"No, you don't, child," said the old lady, looking dead serious. "He would never kill you, nat in a million years. Act like an arse, yes, but kill you, no. Never."

A heart-warming feeling filled Layla. Her cheeks were burning. She got up and started placing the solas stones around as it was dark by then, glancing at Margaret who was watching her, a satisfied grin on her lips.

"You been here only for a few hours and he is changing already. I see it. Small, but 'tis there. He is changing back to the boy I know and love."


"It is the most preposterous notion I have ever heard!" King Lucius paced up and down in his private chambers.

"It is no more ridiculous than her coming back from the dead..." said Christoph nonchalantly, side glancing at the king.

The One That Got AwayOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara