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Everyone started to panic not moving as they are in shock
Then nandini signelled arya to carry him
Ary comes forward and lifts him and carry him on the back to college nursing room and layed him down on the bed
Then nandini gave arya the allergic injection he then injects him with force after 2 min manik takes a deep breath which got smiles on both arya and nandini
Pods are also present there seeing him cabir was soo mad at himself seeing his best friend in this situation and he was ashamed of himself that he who tells the world that he is anurags bff and he knows his in and out doesn't know his allergies
Mukthi is also feeling bad as she forced manik to eat the food
Druv is sad for manik
Prerna is mad that her plan got flopped wts her plan though
Lets seee.......

Be My Anchor...Will U??(edited)Where stories live. Discover now