24: Do You Believe in Eternal Happiness?

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Y/n scoffed, "I'm older you bastard."

"Still shorter." he shrugged playfully before being pushed slightly by the h/c haired girl.

"This short girl will break your stupid goggles."

Matt gasped, "Not my baby."


The two's head turned to the direction of the voice.

L stood, slouched with hands in his pockets.

Matt pushed her closer to her boyfriend before turning and leaving without saying a word.

L looked a lot more tense than she had saw about 20 minutes ago. His eyes were a bit puffy like he had been crying which worried her.

"Are you oka-"

"Please don't hate me."

Y/n jerked her head back, "What? "

"We have been arguing a lot lately and I don't know if it's because you're tired of me or if you a-"

Y/n immediately shut him up by kissing him, the best way really.

"Couples argue, if it's worth it you stay and over come it. I'm never going to be tired of you." Y/n caressed the side of his face, "unless you don't share your cake." she joked making him smile a bit.

"I love you, Meine Geliebte. "

"I love you."

"By the way why do you taste like cigarettes?"


"Y/n! Y/n!"

"Y/n! Watch what I made!"

"Come here Y/n!"

"Y/n can you color with me?"

Watari was right.

The kids at Wammy's went crazy for her and very much loved her.

If they got a cut, if they got heartbroken, if they ripped a piece of their clothing, if they needed advice, if they were lonely, if they needed help they went to Y/n.

Sitting on the smooth wooden floor with her legs crossed, she gestured for the kids to sit in a circle. The boys and girls listened and rushed over to her, doing as she instructed.

Some laid on their stomachs, some sat crossing their legs like the girl, propping their faces up with their palms.

Rays of light shone throw the glass window, giving the playroom natural light. The kids were always taught to put back their toys once they finished playing and that's exactly what they did.

"Who wants to hear a story?"

"ME!" The youngsters yelled making her laugh.

"Okay We have-" Y/n went on listening all the books that she had in front of her, deciding on which one she would read.

Unknowingly to her, the detective leaned against the doorway, admiring his love.

Normally everything about her he loved but he felt warm at what he was seeing, especially her with kids and with how much they looked up to her.

His mind couldn't help but wander, thinking about how she'd be as a mother. L knew without a doubt that their future kids would adore her the way he did. He knew she'd be a fantastic parent

"You better put a ring on her before I do." Mello stood beside L, looking at Y/n as well who was now reading 'Little Red Riding Hood'

L wasn't as nervous as he thought he would be on the topic of marriage, " Soon enough." L sighed looking at her, "Watari would have been proud of her."

"Yeah? Why's that."

"I mean, he always talked about her and how perfect she would be here and she lived up to his expectations without trying."

"Watari was excited for Y/n to be here?" Mello scoffed in surprise."I didn't think the old man was excited about anything."

"I had that same thought."

The two remained quiet. Just as how Y/n desperately worried for the boys and L's safety, they worried more for hers

Girls like Y/n were hard to find.

L was lucky he had met her, let alone date her.

The three young boys lost her once and they weren't planning on losing her again.

"I wish we had someone like her when we were that age." Mello crossed his arms.


"To have a mother figure, I wish we had that but at least they have one."

L pried his eyes off the h/c haired girl on on the blonde boy beside him.

"I would assume you see her as a mother figure even at your current age."

"Na." Mello laughed softly, "I mean I do look up to her but it's like I'd kill anyone who hurts her and I'd also tease her for her height."

"We're making fun of Y/n's height again?" Near trudge to the two with one of the action figures the girl had bought for him in his hands.

"Did someone mention Y/n's height?"

Matt came along, draping his arm over the ravenette and the blond, "I mean her height should be illegal, it's painful."

"You know if she heard she would most definitely strangle you." Near commented softly.

"She can deadass pass for a 16 year old if she tried." Mello laughed

"She'll hurt all of you." L laughed softly.

"So L." Matt fake coughed grabbing his attention, " You gonna marry her or should I?" he joked

L shook his head, "I think I'll do it, thank you for your kind offer."

"Just trying to help you out man." Matt patted his back.

"Thank you Near for being the only one that doesn't hit on my girlfriend."

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