"nu-uh, you're lying to me." she huffs and scatters on her feet.

"how is your tiny body moving as fast as a fucking treadmill on max right now?" he grumbles and runs up to her as she giggles, "i'm not tiny!"

"you are but look at these comments, el." he shoves the phone towards her as she bites down on her lip, stifling a huff before she scrolls through the comments slowly.

he watches as her lips slowly curve up into a small smile then her smile widens and her eyes softens as she stares at the words on the device.

"no, this is fake. you made your fans or whatever to do it to make me feel better. i am sure i would find one that says, 'ew, who is that girl?'"

"if i see one of those comments, i'll hunt them the fuck down, get to their house and then beat the living shit out of them for disrespecting you." he says sternly and points a finger making her gulp, "if that's the case... i'm afraid you have to beat everyone in this school because they all disrespect me."

"yeah? the next time someone speaks a fucking word to you, you call me and i fucking assure you that i'll be there in a second to beat the living shit out of them." he bends down a bit to meet her height and her head tilts back down as he does so.

her lip twitches and then shrugs, "whatever." she shoves him back his phone and then skips off.


like they were in the wizard of oz or something.

mike rolls his eyes and walks after her, staring at her french braids that sway by each skip.

"fucking jesus fuck." mike groans out as el turns around, "what? and what the hell does that even mean?" she giggles as he rubs his forehead, "i think a bird just shitted on me."

she gasps and walks closer towards him to say, "silly, it's just water.." she laughs and wipes his forehead for him by standing up on her tippy toes.

"it's probably from the trees." she says and stands back down making her head tilt up to watch him, and his tilt down to watch her.

he smile softly. he never thought he could smile this much within a day.

but it was a day with el. the only thing that could ever make him smile like this and he had no idea why.

well he sort of had an idea but he did not want to accept that fact. there was no way!

"ah!" she flinches and touches her forehead to see the droplet of water.

"oh no," he breathes out and rain starts to pour all over them.

she laughs and clutches her stomach to point at his face, "you look so scared!" she giggles and bends over as he looks at her weirdly, "we're going to get sick! el, let's go, we need to find somewhere to—"

"but i don't want to go." she cuts him off as he stops his actions, "what?"

"i love the rain. it's so loud and no can hear me. the worlds not quiet anymore," she grasps his hands, "c'mon, stay with me."

"el.." he whispers, "we're gonna get sick."

she pouts, "but mike.." she pulls on the best pleading expression used for hopper when he wouldn't be nice and give her eggos or something else, "pleaseeeeee!"

he sighs, "fine. but would we just stand here?"

she shakes her head cheekily and then tilts her head.

"el.. what are you thinking there?" he asks slowly as she giggles and leans in, "dance with me, mikey.."

"hell to the fucking no. i'd do anything for you but this.. hell fucking no, i don't dance." he shakes his head and moves back from her, causing her to pout.

"you're making me sad, mike, and i don't like to be sad. do you want me to be sad?" she asks him and crosses her arms, "i will cry."

he stares at her with a gap in between them and then looks around to check if there were people around. at this point, everyone was indoors and it was just them in the middle of the campus.

"okay fine," he grabs her hands as she smiles but then shakes her head.

"nu-uh," she moves his hands to her waist and she holds his shoulders, "much better." she smiles widely at him as he leans closer, "much better." he breathes out against her as she looks down shyly.

she feels the soft touch of his finger against her cheek as they slowly sway, his finger pushes away the wet hair sticking to her cheek and tucks it behind her ear.

her cheeks flush red and she looks up again to see him smile down softly at her as he holds her chin.

"el." he whispers as she hums, "what is it?" she leans closer against his chest as he goes to wrap his arms around her.

she lets out an inaudible gasp at the sudden contact but still, she leans into touch since it has been a long time since someone had done that.

"nothing." he brushed it off and then leans down on her head before pulling back, "um, i think we should go now. we're both soaking, i really don't need you getting sick."

she swallows back her disappointment on his now fading touch and then nods, "yeah, let's go."

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