The new brother....liam

Start from the beginning

Jeannie pov
They bring liam out of the bathroom and sit him in a chair...tied up...totally tied up...unbelievable. ...
Liam we gonna take the tape out of you mouth if you scream it goes right back on....or I let her handle it....stiles said pointed at me
Liam nod affirmative....
Okay....stiles said moving himself taking the tape from his mouth a little hard....
Okay liam now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened you understand....stiles said to liam
Scott and I looked strange at stiles...
What the hell did you just said...I said standing next to scott looking at him strange
Jeannie I just explain to him the confusing things he seen tonight and the more confusing things is gonna be...stiles said to me
I look at scott
Are you...I ask scott
No...scott said
Me neither...I said
We look at liam who was looking at us confused
Not really ....liam said confused
We look at stiles back
Good thats good...stiles said pointed at liam
I dont understand either...scott said looking at me
Neither I...definitely. ...I said looking at scott
Maybe you should tell him...stiles said to scott
Tell me what...liam ask looking angry at us
Liam....what I did to you..which I had to do in order to save you its going to change you...scott said
Unless it kills you...stiles said very enthusiastic pointed at him
We both look at stiles in desbelieve
Stiles....I said in warning
What....stiles answering me
I look at liam who was feak out..stiles follow my eyes at him understanding his.....mistake
Ahh...I shouldn't have said that....stiles said sorry
What....liam said nervious looking at us like he was going to cry
Uh.....uh-oh...oh-oh.....scott said
Is he crying...stiles said pointed at liam strange
I look at liam face make me anger...
Make me  hitting stiles in the back of his neck... really like do this...stiles said looking at me touching the back of his neck
Look what you did...I said pointed at liam
Scott kneeling in front of liam
Liam its okay youre going to be all right...youre problably not die...scott said worried
Probably not...stiles said kneeling next to scott
Stop it...scott said to stiles
Okay possibly not....stiles said
Seriously stop it...scott said tensed
Definitely possibly not...stiles continued
Scott turned looking at me
Jeannie please help me here...scott said at me
Moving myself taking stiles ears standing him up
Wao....jeannie thats hurt....hurt....let me go...stiles said trying to get away
Are you finished....I said looking at him keeping his ear in my hands win....that hurt....let me go... please win....stiles said touching my hand
I look at scott smiling...
Scott smile rolling his eyes at me
Leaving stiles ears ..he step back looking at me
Im gonna take that smile off....stiles said pointed at me
Im waiting...I said looking at him ready
He stared looking at me for a moment....
Ahhh....not not today...stiles said nodding nervious standing next to scott
Finished....scott said looking at us
We look at each other...I just walk at his window.....
Yeah....definitely. ...yeah....stiles said looking back at scott
Would you just help me untie him....scott said to stiles
The guys move faster untied liam....
Guys wait....I said moving my hand but like always they never listened
Liam take the chair hitting the guys stiles sanding up he hitting in his face look at me and run out...
I just breath out in desbelieve running on the guys ...
Come on ....up...up both of you....I said standing up the guys
What....scott said confuse
Where...stiles said confused
Can we talk about that later....I said pointed out of the door
They look at the door
Get him...stiles screaming
They running out of there room following liam grabbing him .....but falling the three downstairs....
All groaning but still liam trying to escaped
I got him...
No ..I got him...
The guys grabbing his feet them there shoes....his shoes and liam going out of the door....great...
I just walk out of the room and sitting in the top of the stair watching the scene...
Stiles...I said
Both look at me
Your plans sucked too.....

Finally love brings us back.... (derek hale love story) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now