Chapter 8 - Normal

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Fei pov

"Should I come out to my parents? " I asked Azelia. "If you feel ready then do it, I'll always be here to support you no matter what" she replied. "And our mom likes you, if things don't go as planned. " Jaden added.

The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. We made our way to our shared class, art. We sat next to each other. "Do you know if their homophobic?" Azelia wisperd in my ear. "I don't know, when a same sex couple comes on screen they just turn it off. " "That's seems pretty homophobic to me. " Azelia wisperd. "Is Lucas homophobic? " She asked. "Hmm... I'm not sure. "I replied. Azelia shrugs.

"Ladies could you please focus in my class. " Ms. Brown announced. We stopped our conversation and continued with our sketches. The bell rang signaling the end of the period. I was stressed about going home, what if they weren't accepting of me, what would I do then? "Hey, babe it's gonna be ok. " Azelia said holding my hand. I let out a breath I've been holding."Wait, babe? "I asked surprised.

"I'm trying out pet names. "She said with a smile. I smiled back at her. We separated to our following lessons. I made my way to Calculus. I sat down and tried to focus but my mind was elsewhere. I think my mother would accept me, but I'm not so sure about my dad, he wouldn't kick me out right? "Fei,What is the anwser to this equation? " Mrs Jones asked. I froze, I wasn't paying attention. The bell rang saving me from any more embarrassment.

So the day went on, I couldn't focus in any of my classes. I would constantly zone out. I was filled with anxiety about coming out to my parent. The bell rang, I made my way to my car. I climed in and let out a sigh, I let a few tears fall. Just as I was about to go, my brother knocked on my window. "Hello, let me in" He insisted. I rolled down my window "I'm sorry can't you get a ride from your shit girlfriend. " I said not in the mood for his shit. He started blurting out some angry responses, I rolled up my window and made my way home.

I stopped my car a few blocks away from my house. I sat there, I was about to give up "Zzh" my phone chimed. A text from Azelia. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to❤️take your time " I smiled and texted back "ty💕" I looked at the time. Shit! I was late. I made my way to my house.

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"Sorry, I'm late! " I said as I made my way into the home. They all sat in a circle staring at me. "Sit down" My father told me. My mother gave me a death glare "Why don't you like guys, why can't you just me normal!" she shouted. Tears threatening to spill.

"I don't want a lesbian daughter, why can't you be like your brother, straight? "My father said with a disappointment look. "Who told you! " I shouted frustrated, that I was outed. Hot tears were streaming down my face. "Your brother did the right thing, now we can help you become normal" my mother said way to camly.

I locked eyes with my brother, he looked apologetic. I and stood up from the table. "Fuck you Lucas, and fuck both of you for trying to 'fix me'!" I stormed out of the house without looking back at their disappointed faces. I rushed to my car and unlocked it.

No I shouldn't drive in this state, I thought to myself. I walked in the rain, tears pouring out. Who the fuck does my brother think he is. And how am I not normal? Why can't I just be normal. Rain started pouring down harder, making me soaking wet. I walk along the sidepath mindlessly. I stopped and looked at my surroundings, I was in front of Azelia's house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Azelia.

Before I could say anything she grabbed me into a hug. I cried even harder feeling her embrace.
"Breathe " she reminded me. I took a breath and looked at her. "I'm sorry for just showing up here, my brother he--" I tried to say but the tears started again . "You can tell me when you're ready, come inside " she said wrapping her arms around me.

After a warm shower and cuddles I spoke up "My brother outed me to my partents. "I said. "What, fuck him!" she said outraged. I smiled at her annoyance." My parents wanted to force me into conversion therapy to make me 'normal' " I continued.

"No that's not ok, you can stay here as long as you like, I'll talk to my mother she won't mind you staying here. " Azelia assured me. "Are you sure, I don't want to go back. " I said the last part softly. "You don't have too."she said kissing my wet cheek softly.

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