One - Friends and New Kids

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One - Friends and New Kids

Violet Mae POV

"You did what?!" My friend Rachel yells, making everyone in the lunchroom look at us.

Olivia shushs her and gives her a hard glare.

"You dumped him?" Our other friend Nico asks, grinning as I nod. "It's about time. His ass needed to be dropped. Hard. Preferably on cement."

I giggle as Nico rounds the table to hug me tightly before I look back at Rachel who looks, for lack of a better word, pissed.

"Rachel?" I call her name, looking at her and trying to meet her eyes with mine.

Calling her name another three times, she finally looks up at me and scowls. "How could you do that?"


"How could you break up with him? He must be heartbroken."

"Rachel, he was abusive towards her. She needed to get out of there," Olivia says in my defense, coming to my rescue like always.

"But he loved her."

"People don't hurt the ones they love like that," Nico replies, and I watch him look at Olivia out of the corner of his eye. He's liked her since like third grade.

"But he did."

"You know, I don't think your. . .toxic energy is good for Violet right now," Olivia says with a small smile.

"I'm leaving. Don't want to ruin your little party." She then gets up and walks away without another word, probably going to vape in the bathroom like she always does when she's angry.

It's a really small friend group, just the four of us; me, Olivia, Nico, and Rachel.

Well, Rachel kind of just included herself one day Freshman year, though she is the stereotypical problematic popular girl who thinks she's better than everyone else and is always right. That's why she reacted the way she did.

And because she had a crush on Jacob since I first started dating him my Freshman year.

Olivia and Nico, on the other hand, are my real friends.

I've known Nico since diapers and we've been friends due to our dad's having have been friends all through high school and dorm roomies in college.

We met Olivia in second grade, right after she moved here with her mom after her and Olivia's father divorced and she got custody. The three of us didn't really become friends until well into our fourth grade year, after I found out that Nico liked her and after Olivia was seen getting bullied by the people who everyone thought were her friends.

We've been friends since, and Olivia still doesn't know Nico likes her, but it's only because he does a good job of hiding it. He doesn't want to tell her in case she doesn't feel the same way, though I think it's dumb to keep doing this after about ten years.

But hey, it's not my place to judge.

"She's such a bitch," Olivia says, shaking her head and looking back at me, smiling. "We don't need her though, right?"

I nod and smile back, resting my head on her shoulder.

That's when the lunch bell rings, signaling that it's time to go back to class.

"I'll see you guys after school?" I ask as we all get ready to go.

"Yep. Meet us by the front doors. Okay?" Nico says, looking at Olivia on the word 'us'. He's in love with her.

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