Blissfully Burning

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"Where are we going?" I ask Eddy, standing by the car. He's bringing out his motorcycle, and I make a face.
"Its a surprise."
"I'm allergic to surprises."
He raises his eyebrow. "Fine. I'm taking you out. On a date."
"Why?" I ask, my voice high pitched.
He puts on my helmet. "You deserve one." Noticing the distraught look on my face, he frowns. "What's wrong, Ana?"
"I've never been on a date before, Eddy."
This clearly excites him. He smiles, kisses my forehead, and whispers, "I promise I won't let you down."
He jumps on the bike, and I stare at it. "Why can't we take the car?"
"Let me guess, you've never been on a bike, either, have you."
I growl at him and get on the motorcycle. I hate it when he's right. Slowly, I put my arms around him, and smile.

Scowling at Eddy, I tell him, "Did you even go the speed limit?"
"Yes, Anastasia. Geez, it wasn't that bad."
I roll my eyes and mutter, "Easy for you to say."
"Come on." I follow him into a small bar and grill, and sit down with him at a table in the back.
"You look beautiful," he remarks, smiling at me.
"Thanks," I blush, looking down at the menu. "I know what I'm having."
He calls for the waiter, and she takes our order. When she leaves, Eddy turns to me. "So how's the dance coming along?"
"Its good. They've successfully managed to know the dance. I can't wait for the competition."
"You've done a great thing in the lives of the children, Anastasia. You're amazing, Ana. I'm glad to have you in my life."
Smiling, I squeeze his hands. "Don't give me all the credit, Eddy. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been able to finally face my fears. I'm a better person than I was when I first got here."
The waitress returns with a wine bottle and two glasses. "Vino espumoso, for the lovebirds. On the house." (Sparkling wine.)
I take a sip, and it's delicious.
The food arrives and Eddy and I talk and laugh, and of course, he teases me to no end. Finally, he stands up, and offers his hand. "Wanna dance?"
Beaming at him, I giggle and accept his request. He pulls me to the dance floor and dances with me, to a fast paced Latin American song. At the end of the song, he leans in, and kisses me. Its not a soft delicate kiss that he usually gives me, but a kiss with so much passion and heat that I feel like I'm on fire. And there's no need to call the fireman, because I want to keep burning. He pulls away, and instantly, I feel so empty. I want him, I want him more than anything.
"It's getting late," he whispers in my ear. "We should go."
He pays for the food, tips the waitress and leads me to the bike. I'm about to put on the helmet but he shakes his head at me and whispers, "Allow me."
When we get home, we quietly walk to his room, and he kisses me. He sets me ablaze, and on instinct, I pull him closer, and run my hands through his hair, and a small moan escapes me.
"Ana, you don't have to-" he mumbles, but I cut him off by pressing his lips to mine. "More, Eddy. I want more."
He looks at me, and then returns his lips to mine. I pull off his shirt and he starts to take off mine. I tense. "My scar..."
"I want to see every part of you, Anastasia. In my eyes, you're nothing but beautiful."
The blouse falls to the ground and he lifts me up and places me on the bed. His lips don't leave mine, and when they do, its because he's kissing my nose, or my arm, or my chest. "So beautiful."
Unbuttoning my jeans, he kisses my right leg and then slides down my underwear, and kisses me there, too. My God, I just keep burning. And then finally, it comes. It feels like a million fireworks exploding inside you all at once. It feels like a tornado whirling inside you, giving you the most peaceful high. And even when its over, you still feel that high. The pain is there, but I'm happy. So happy that I could cry. I'm blissfully burning.
"You okay?" Eddy whispers after he cleans me off. "The first time is always painful."
I kiss him, and run my finger along his cheek. "Oh, Eddy. I'm perfect."

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