A Different Time (2)

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Lizzie groaned as she slowly roused from sleep. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Only to freeze moments later as she processed that she was most definitely not where she was supposed to be.

She looked around the forest surrounding her before she finally focused on the other two girls laying near her, both unmoving.

What the fuck happened?

Pushing herself up and onto her feet, she went over to Josie and shook her awake. She had a really bad feeling.

"Lizzie?" She asked, slowly opening her eyes. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Lizzie said, helping her to her feet. "But I think something bad."

Going over to Hope, they shook her awake. The forever nineteen year old opened her eyes with a groan, narrowing her eyes on the twins, who were on either side of her.

"Girls?" She said, confused.

"We're screwed," Lizzie said, simply. Josie whacked her arm, giving her a look.

Hope looked between them confused, then pushed herself to her feet. The twins followed after as Hope looked around them.

"Where are we?" She asked, turning to look at them.

"No idea," Josie said, rubbing her arm. She looked to her right and spotted the grimoire from before. A look of realization seemed to appear on her face as she ran over to it.

Lizzie stared at her confused but paused as she heard civilization and made a decision. She took off running, ignoring the others' cries of her name.

When she reached the edge of the woods, she looked out at the town in front of her. A town that was very recognizable. Mystic Falls.

How did they go from New York to Virginia? If they had been kidnapped, Lizzie was going to be pissed. Whoever did it, clearly wasn't very smart.

A stand was a few feet away with newspaper resting there for anyone to take. Walking over, she picked one up, and looked at it with a puzzled look.

Car accident on the Wickery Bridge kills two and injures one

This felt familiar. Her eyes went down to the passage below. Feeling the world seemed to disappear as she processed what she was looking at.

The Gilbert family has just suffered a great loss. While on the Wickery Bridge, they ended up driving off the bridge into the waters. The cause is unknown and police are looking into it.

Grayson and Miranda Gilbert passed away shortly after the car became submerged. Elena Gilbert is the only survivor. She was found unconscious out of the car.

Questions as to how she managed to escape the car and survived will have to wait to be answered as Ms. Gilbert is currently still unconscious in the hospital.

For more information on the Gilbert Family, turn to page 3...

Her eyes slowly turned to date. May 25, 2009. Shit.

"Lizzie," Hope called as she and Josie made their way over to her.

Lizzie turned to see Josie was staring at her with a knowing look as Josie looked from the newspaper in her hands to the look of shock on Lizzie's face.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Hope said, giving her a once over in concern. She looked around them with a frown. "Is this Mystic Falls?"

"Uh huh," Lizzie said, nodding.

"The spell worked," Josie said, looking between the two. In her arms was the grimoire.

Hope turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "What spell?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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