"Um . . . Okay." Her cheeks reddened at another lyric. "Wow, that's . . . very forward for him to say."

"People should be open with their feelings." He had a smile on his face that appeared to be pinned up - much like the Joker's. She felt goosebumps run up her arms.


They arrived at the Li house shortly after. Jason ran up to her, giving her a bear hug the very second she stepped out of the car. He had grown so much that his head no longer rested in the folds of her stomach but almost her shoulders - granted she was short.

"I saved you a spot next to me. I know how to make a face on pancakes using fruit and whipped cream. I can show you!"

"Awesome! I'll make sure to take notes."

Kyle emerged from the house, telling his younger brother to release her. She hadn't seen him upon her return since he was away at school. He squeezed her arm, eyes shining with the respect he always held for her.

"I'm so happy you're okay. Welcome back." He motioned for them to come inside. "You should probably take Jason up on his offer. That pancake face is really epic."

Bethany was wedged in between Grayson and his little brother, trying to follow his pancake tutorial while answering Grandma Li's questions.

"And you have school all figured out? Does the scholarship still stand?"

"Yes. I think the school fears the backlash it'll recieve if it takes a scholarship away from . . . Well, someone who failed from circumstances out of their control."

"Good!" she said, stirring her black coffee with a tiny spoon. "You're a strong girl. The worst of life is behind you - now you have nothing to fear! The world is yours."

Bethany added whipped cream hair to her pancake and cursed herself for still having Teigan in the back of her mind. She didn't feel like she had the world. She felt like her world was a giant puzzle missing the most important pieces.

"Beth is just about ready to start anew. Right?" Grayson had caught her with her mouth stuffed with pancakes. All she could do was happily chew in response.

"For that reason, we've decided there's no time to hesitate on things we are sure about. Life has shown us it is too short to waste." His voice held an intense sort of passion that had no place at a family brunch. Beth wasn't a fan of all these 'we's and 'us's being thrown around. She didn't recall discussing any of those things with Grayson.

She hurried to swallow the pancakes, thinking about how she should have listened to Jason and added more syrup to it's face.

"The very reason we've come to this brunch is well . . ." He intertwined his hand with hers, her cheeks still stuffed to their capacity. "We wanted to announce to you all that we're getting married."

Bethany started choking.

"I told you," Jason said, shaking his head at her. "Your face needed more syrup."

His parents exchanged wide eyed looks while Kyle gave a tentative smile.

"Oh, so when you moved in with each other . . . it was that way?" Mrs.Li was holding her hand over her heart like she might pass out.

"Yeah, you caught us!" Grayson answered as Beth shook her head like a maniac.

"This is fantastic!" Grandma Li was clapping her hands together. "I always knew it would be like this! Where is the ring? You can't be too cheap to buy a ring!"

"I'm working on it. Everything is still very much in it's beginning stages but we're planning to elope so -"

She had finally managed to swallow the pancake. "We're what?"

"Are you sure you aren't rushing things? I mean, you two are very young . . ." His father's eyes were flickering between the two of them. "Bethany, I won't pretend to understand what you've been through but maybe you should take time to process before making such a big commitment."

Her head was spinning. "Time to process . . ."

"Dad, we've known each other for years. This was always supposed to be it! Nothing is going to stop us now." His hand tightened around hers, making it impossible for her to break free.

"Wait a minute!" she shouted, slamming her other fist on the table. She had to set aside how improper she was acting. "Grayson, what are you -"

"Uh, oh." He frowned at her. "Are you having another meltdown?" He turned to his family. "Sorry, this happens every once in a while. We'll be right back."

"W-what?" She was speechless as he walked them over to the living room, out of earshot.

He finally released his grip on her and she broke into a hysteric grin. She placed her hands on her hips, giving a dry laugh. "Is this a joke? Are you pranking me?"

"My love for you isn't something I'd joke about."

"You love me? You're in love with me?!"

"Are you an idiot, Beth?" She stumbled back from the blow. "Why else would I do everything I have for you?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you're my friend or something."

"I am so sick of being your friend!" Grayson grew red. "I get nothing from being your friend!"

"Is this a business transaction?" She felt her own skin getting hot. She glanced back to the dining room, not entirely convinced they couldn't hear.

"I'm so tired of pouring my heart and soul out for you while you sit there and act all surprised."

"Then stop! Stop pouring out your heart and soul for me!" As mad as she was, the hurt overpowered it. She thought she had found a true friend in Grayson, someone who would be there for her and expect nothing in return - that was what a friend was. Hearing that all this time she was misled shattered her whole perception of reality. She could no longer trust all the memories of their friendship that she had in their mind. He was basically saying that it was all or nothing. She could be his wife or she could be nothing to him.

"You love me too! You want to be with me but whatever that monster did to you has you confused!" He lowered his volume, cupping her face in his hands. "I'll get you the help you need. We'll fix it. You'll see a psychiatrist -"

"I am not the one who needs a psychiatrist." She pulled away and placed her hand out. "Give me the keys to my car. I'm leaving."

"No, you aren't!"

"Give me them or I will embarrass you in front of your whole family!" He reluctantly pulled his keys out of his pocket. She took them and stormed out the door.

She heard his parents move to check on Grayson and his little brother asking if he could finish her pancake for her. It was salt in the wound that in losing Grayson, she was losing them too. He was their son. They had to pick his side.

How was it that when she was free everything started to fall apart around her? 

Finding Beauty (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora