The wand chooses the wiz-demigod

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Third-Person PoV: The Big House

Hecate strolled into the Meeting Room, her shoulders were rolled back and head held up high as the demigods quietened and knelt onto the ground. Lazily, she waved a hand in the air, "Rise demigods." They obeyed and stood up to settle back into their seats. "Since you've all learned the history of the Wizarding World I do believe that it is now time for you all to start learning magic." a sly smile slipped onto her lips as energy buzzed around the room.

"Finally," Butch grunted.

"But to do magic, you'll all need wands." The Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, and Necromancy snapped her fingers and a stack of boxes appeared on the ping-pong table, they were slim and long, almost like they contained daggers in them. She picked one at the top of the pile and her emerald eyes settled onto Reyna first. "Reyna, I'm giving you a wand made from Holly wood and Dragon Heartstring. Those who use Holly wood tend to be good leaders and effective counsellors, they are also able to have a great understanding of the darkness in humanity which they can use to help others. Wands with Dragon Heartstring are powerful and forge strong bonds with the owner and go well in the practice of the dark arts." Reyna took the box from Hecate and opened it to reveal a sleek, dark wand that rested comfortably in a bed of plush velvet, she gently picked it up, at the end cap of the wand a star sapphire was encrusted, rubies were placed at each point of the star seen on the sapphire, along the handle Bellona's symbols of a military helmet and a torch was carve into the wood. The power of the wand seemed to thrum underneath her fingers.

"Lou Ellen, my daughter, I gift you an Elm wand with a Phoenix Feather core. Elm wands go well with wizards that have a strong presence and magical dexterity, it allows the owner of the wand to have fewer errors when casting spells and to perform the most elegant charms. A Phoenix Feather core has the greatest range when performing although they can act on their own at times." Lou Ellen was handed another box which she rushed to open, the wood was a light brown, its shape reminded Lou Ellen of the banisters that you would see in an old house, like a Victorian design. A chunk of black obsidian molded as a square was encrusted in the end cap, it was surrounded by small dots of moonstone. On the handle of the wand, her mother's symbol of the triple moon was craved around the entire handle, at the centre of each moon a dog was shown to be sitting. When Lou Ellen picked up her wand it seemed to vibrate and shoot out sparks of green light that fizzled out as they started to float back down.

"Annabeth, this is a Beech wand with a Thunderbird Tail feather core. Those matched with a Beech wand are often wise beyond their years and become rich in understanding and experience when fully grown. A Thunderbird Tail feather core is powerful and difficult to master, but if it senses that it's in danger it will cast curses by itself." Annabeth's wand was a very light brown, it bulged out slightly after the handle. at the end cap, an oval-shaped lapis lazuli was encrusted, a circle of turquoise stones swirled around lapis lazuli. Branches of olives were carved into the wood with various owls resting on the branches or captured mid-flight.

"Clovis, I also gift you a Beech wand but with a Dragon Heartstring Core. The wand wood and the core allow you to have powerful magic, especially in transfiguration." Clovis took his time to reach for the box that Hecate gave him and opened it to see his light brown wand resting on the velvet cushions. The handle of the wand seemed to twist on itself, reminding the son of Hypnos of a unicorn horn, at the end cap he saw a circle of alternating hematite and labradorite. Poppies climbed up the twist along the handle with water seeming to be carved in it as well.

"Rachel, I gift you a Pine wand with a Unicorn Hair core, a wand made of Pine wood are independent and are known for their creativity towards new methods and spells, a Unicorn Hair core bonds strongly with the user and is consistent in its magic," Rachel smirked as she lifted her wand from the box, the shaft of the wand was shaved to reveal the lighter colour underneath the dark bark of the wood, the handle of the wood was left unshaved. In the end cap, a teardrop shape of yellow topaz was encrusted into it surrounded by six pieces of sunstone. On the handle, ravens were carved in midflight, their beaks open as if they were singing, the lyre was carved in on the back and front of the handle.

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