The House of Olympia

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The Most Ancient and Noble House of Olympia

The Olympia Family, more commonly known as Wizarding Royalty in America, is a powerful House of some of the most powerful wizards and witches, with a culture rich in Ancient Greece and Rome. It's rumored that their strong magic was given to them by the gods themselves. The Olympia Family has a strong hand in the politics of the Wizarding World in America, which started when they aided the few wizards and witches still living in America shortly after the Salem Witch Trials. High Duchess Hecate has a high position within MACUSA which helps the family to maintain influence throughout the American Wizarding World.

The House of Olympia is governed by twelve ruling figures but since 2009 it has changed to fourteen, although the two new members only seem to engage on important matters when necessary.

The hierarchy of the family is established by the three Kings, who have the most authority in the family. They are King Zane, King Gale, and King Hadrien, the three brothers maintain a high amount of control in the Wizarding World in their 'realms'. They also have two sisters, Royal Duchess Adara and Royal Duchess Terra.

The other ruling figures are known as Royal Duke Sol and his twin sister Royal Duchess Diana, Royal Duchess Astrid, Royal Duke Duncan, Royal Duchess Olivia, Royal Duke Noah, Royal Duke Ignatius, Royal Duke Bacchus, and King Zane's wife Royal Duchess Juno.

In order to become a King or a Royal Duke or Duchess certain requirements have to be met. The first being that they must be part of the House of Olympia. The second is that they must fit within the realms that the previous predecessor had, for example, Royal Duchess Astrid upholds the titles of 'πανδημοκύττης' (Pandêmancer) and 'Δοριτισμός' (Dôritismancer) meaning diviner of love common to all people and diviner of bountifulness respectively. These titles apply to Royal Duchess Astrid as she excels in magic that applies with love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. Since she could meet the requirements that were needed to take on these titles she was chosen as the next successor, this applies to all titles within the family, however, the next successor does not need to be related to the current successor in order to take on the title, as long as they are already a member of the family and match the demands.

Not much is known about these fourteen ruling figures apart from what they tend to have powerful magic in. The House of Olympia is known to actively worship the Greek Gods and identify their religion as Hellenic Polytheists, although it has also been shown that they also worship the Roman Gods. Their religion is a heavy part of their lifestyle and the family is very proud of their culture and beliefs and takes no hesitation to punish those who disrespect it.

Mot much is ever known about their children until they come to take their parents' position. As previously known, Zane, Gale, Hadrien, Adara, and Terra are all siblings, any children that they have will be known as a Prince or Princess. Children of the others in the council are assigned the title of a Marquess or Marchioness. If a member of the Olympia isn't on the council, their children would have an Earl or Countess title.

Their children attend a school that is catered to their needs, however, the name of it and location is completely unknown. Many wizards and witches have claimed to run into their children in peculiar situations, many of these instances related to performing magic in the presence of muggles. Yet, its never been fully disclosed why the House of Olympia has so many children, none of the rumours have been confirmed whether they sleep with muggles or blood adopt children to increase diversity within the family and increase their numbers.

It's widely known that the Olympia Family moved to America in 1860 for reasons unknown but it was after this move they began withdrawing more from Muggle Society and associate more with the Wizarding World, some would even say that they completely took over the American Wizarding Ministry while some say that they helped immensely. Very few know that the Olympia Family moved to America due to being hunted down by an unknown group who directly target their children, no-one knows why but some speculate that it's for their peculiar magic.

While they have integrated more into the Wizarding World than they have in the past the House of Olympia is still quite reclusive, often interacting from a distance, so pictures of them are rare to find, no information is given about the family unless they disclose it themselves. Although it's known that they have their own Oracle, rumoured to have inherited their gift of prophecy from the Spirit of Delphi itself, passed on from maiden to maiden. Of course, this is but a rumour and the Oracle of Delphi was how muggles and wizards at the time explained the natural gift of prophecy that Seers had.

There are currently four operating armies within the House of Olympia, many wizards and witches in America have had the chance to run into some of the young recruits. The oldest is The Hunters of Artemis, having operated within the House of Olympia as long as the family has existed. Those who take on the titles of 'Φιλομαχητής' (Philomancer, (diviner of the friend of young girls), 'Θηροσκούγκε' (Thêroskurge, user of the Hunter of Wild Beasts) and 'Οριλοκιμάνιανς' (Orsilokhimancer, user of the helper of childbirth) which is currently held by Royal Duchess Diana, would be in charge of this group. They're known to be very alike to the Hunters of Artemis from Greek Mythology, they travel around America recruiting young women (specifically maidens) to take an unbreakable vow to not pursue romantic relationships with men and to hunt down magical creatures that are doing more harm than good, they have been known to assist MACUSA with their help to take down more challenging magical creatures or terrorist groups in the past.

The Hoplite Phalanx are seen more often than the Hunters of Artemis and the other two groups, the recruits tend to be between 10-15 when sighted by members of MACUSA and are interrupted on missions, or as they call them 'quests', given to them by the House of Olympia. The structure of this army is quite similar to how the Hoplite Phalanx was operated in Ancient Greece with various Lochogos (captains) and other positions such as Totxotai (archers) and Ekdromi (a role that took for the person to switch places within the Hoplite Phalanx when on the battlefield). It has brought up matters of concern with MACUSA that they are given heavy roles at such a young age, any worries have been dismissed by the House of Olympia.

The Twelfth Legion Fulminata are almost as rarely seen as the Hunters of Artemis, they operate quite alike as the Roman Military. Due to rare sightings and encounters with members of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, it can only be assumed that they run the army similar to how it was run in Ancient Rome. They most likely have two Praetors that oversee the legion.

Their last army is the Amazons, little to nothing is known about this group itself apart from it consisting of women and being run by a woman who bears the title of 'Queen'.

The House of Olympia is known to have allied itself with the Queen of Ogygia (believed to be the actual Ogygia from Greek Mythology) at some point in the past five years, the exact date this happened is unknown. The current monarch is Queen Calypso Nightshade.

This story will have spontaneous updates and the chapters will vary in length, some being long while others may be fairly short. If any of you have further questions about how the gods have immersed themselves into the Wizarding World drop a comment and I'll be sure to have it answered in a future chapter (there's a rough list of what each chapter will be about, like some missing scenes, background info or scenes from the past to see how it came to be)The next chapter will be on the demigod's wands (did that take a long time to sort out), a further in-depth of their uniforms and if I do it in time of when I've written the chapter the rest of the titles that the gods have as 'wizards' (I'm already dreading it cause it took so long to do just two)

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