Who say's Cancer is Bad Luck

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A/N: Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that there might be a few spelling or grammar mistakes. Hope you like it and i don't mean to offend anyone by the Title by the way.


Chapter one

Beep, Beep

“I love you too, Chuck Bass," I shout.  Why do I always wake up before the kiss. I feel my pager vibrate on my bare skin. I wish they would just come and get me. I really hate that thing. I pull open the heavy, grey door of the on-call room to reveal what seems to be way too much light.  I run down the corridor, fixing my long blonde hair into a tight bun.

“Millie,where the hell have you been?” Michelle the head nurse yells at my from the nurse station just as I arrive,

“Seeing I have been here and awake for the last thirty seven hours I though I might sleep,” I say sarcastically,

“Well you might want to write this down. I need you to check 289’s temperature, give 307 50 ml’s of morphine, see if 327 has been to the toilet yet, check if 274 has taken her tablets and do a patient write up on 845,” she commands while I scribble down all the instructions but instead of numbers, I write names,

“sure thing Michelle.” I  walk off, sticking my hand in my skirt pocket and pulling out a lollipop, which I suck on 24/7.

I walk to the first patient Molly’s room,

“Hey Molly.  Hows my little dancer this afternoon?” I say as I walk into seven year old Molly’s room,

“I’m ok Millie, what do you need?” she asks with a worried expression,

“Nothing bad don’t worry sweetie, just need your temp,” I walk over to her and take the temperature, “Its all good, but I have to go, but I’ll be back for our dancing session later, ok?”

“Ok” I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk out of the room

I continue with the rest of my task, spending a lot more time then necessary in each room. Talking to each patient about their day and all the other stuff I know about them. I was just about to finish when I realised that I had another page. Thank goodness that there was only one thing, patient write up on 845.

I walk down to the room and knock on the door,

“Come in,” I hear a deep, husky voice call from behind the wooden door,

“Hi I’m Millie and I’m here to do a patient write up on you,” I state, looking down at my clip board, while I suck on my second lollipop,

“I’ll be happy for such a hot nurse to give me a patient write up,” with that I look up,

“So you have cancer and yet your still trying to hit on me, am I right,”

“How did you know I had cancer?”

“Yellow skin, bags under the eyes, your on a fluid IV and you tried to move your arms to cross them but you couldn’t. Your on your fourth day chemo, which mean you have cancer,  am I wrong?”

“And they say blondes are dumb,”

“Shut up,"

"Now thats know way to speak to a hot guy wiht Cancer,"

 "I have to start the write up, so first question. What your full name?”

“Declan Anthony James,”


“25, What about you?”

“23, Contact number?”

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