A newcomer!!

20 3 15

Kams: Ayo Bitches and bros and non-binary hoes!

Atlas: oh great...

*Kams added Savs to the chat*


Kams: Heheheh.

Jafar: I'm truly starting to think I should just kill myself

Sinbad: No, you can't do that

Savs: You can't stop him

Jafar: who is this person and why do I like them?

Savs: I'm happy you do~

Sinbad: Fuck I feel like this is another Kams

Kams: mmmm. Wouldn't exactly say that

Savs: out of everyone in this chat I like myself the best

Jafar: Fair. There's not a lot of fun people in this chat

Atlas: are you suggesting that I'm not fun?

Jafar: Yes

Judar: Aww Onee-San's not fun

Atlas: Don't call me that

Savs: Onee-San~


Kams: Atlas-San~

Atlas: I hate you all

Sinbad: Even me?

Atlas: especially you

Sinbad: Aw... dang it

Savs: No one likes you

Sinbad: *shock* who is this person? I do not like them.

Jafar: I do.

Atlas: Savs is the most "kams" person I know, apart from Kams herself

Savs: *gasp* Oh lord no! Please don't put me in the same category as it.

Atlas: "it"?

Savs: Yes. It.

Kams: hehehe

Atlas: sigh... Sinbad imma need to borrow Baal real quick

Sinbad: why?

Atlas: To electrocute someone in a bathtub

Kams: oddly specific there, hun

Savs: Should I mention one time Kams passed out right as her teacher handed out her test? Like, I was looking at my own test and all the sudden i just hear "BAM" and there she was, head plastered to her desk, knocked the fuck out.

Kams: I did not add you to this chat for you to expose me

Atlas: Kams you need more sleep

Kams: fuck no, I'm nocturnal

Atlas: sigh...

Savs: would you like me to force her to sleep?

Atlas: yes, please



Jafar: I like this Savs person

Ayo Savs here! Just wanna say that I'm actually the one who usually makes these little texting stories :/ like me and kams have mentioned before, we share this account so some stories are run by me and other are run by her. Our biggest projects are the ones we do together like the ones that we're currently grinding to get out. Sooooooooo yea. The story that I will be personally posting on here very soon will be coming out with a teaser/summary very soon!
See ya!

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