Sindrian maddness Pt.1 (someone save Spartos)

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*Kams added Sinbad, Jafar, Jasmine/ jasmine_the_emo_rat , Yamuraiha, Sharrkan, Masur, Pisti, Spartos and Hinahoho*

Kams: Heyo!! 😉

Jasmine: Hi, how's everyone doing?

Sinbad: I'm doing good!

Yamuraiha: I've been better, but I'm fine.

Sharrkan: can't you just like, idk, make a potion to make yourself feel better?

Yamuraiha: potions don't exactly work that way.

Sharrkan: Then what are you good for!?

Sinbad: Hey, guys, calm down. We don't need you burning down Sindria again.

Spartos: I'd like not to be woken up at 4am just to put out a fire, please.

Kams: Oh be quiet, Spartos. Come back when you're at least a side character

Jasmine: Kams!! 😡 🤜

*Jasmine removed Kams*

Sinbad: pfft—! I mean, she's not wrong.

Jasmine: keep this up and you're next.

Sinbad: 😟

Jasmine: that's what I thought.

Masur: Spartos is a side character.

Sinbad: just not a good one...

Jasmine: omg that's it, we do not have any Spartos slander in this group chat.

*Jasmine removed Sinbad*

Hinahoho: ouch, that must've hurt him.

Jasmine: like I care.

Pisti: What have I been missing?

Hinahoho: Kams and Sinbad were being mean to Spartos.

Pisti: What!? Why!?

Hinahoho: because he's apparently not a side character.

Pisti: that's it. They're dead.

*pisti left the chat*

Spartos: I'll go stop her.

*spartos left the chat*

Jasmine: So... who's still here?

Sharrkan: I am!!!

Yamuraiha: I'm still here.

Hinahoho: I gotta go eat dinner with Kikiriku, bye.

*Hinahoho left the chat*

Jasmine: well... it's just us now.

Yamuraiha: I haven't heard Jafar yet? Has he even said anything?

Sharrkan: no?

Jafar: wtf is this...?

Jasmine: oh, now you decide to show up. Your boyfriend is a Spartos slander.

Jafar: ? Isn't your girlfriend one too?

Sharrkan: 👀

Yamuraiha: this isn't going to end well...

*Yamuraiha left the chat*

Jasmine: You son of a bitch.

Jafar: I'm only saying the truth. Spartos is indeed a good character, but he might need some more screen time to be considered a side character.

Jasmine: you make a good point, but still. We should put our bf/gf in their places.

Jafar: what do you think I already did?

Jasmine: huh?

*Jafar sent picture*

*Jafar sent picture*

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Jasmine: 👀

Sharrkan: 👀

Jafar: I'm going back to work.

*Jafar left the chat*

Jasmine: I need to go find Kams.

*Jasmine left the chat*

Sharrkan: So everyone just left me to eat these potato chips by myself...? Okie.

*Sharrkan left the chat*

Omg this is over 300 words!! Hahaha, I had a lot of fun making this. Hope you enjoyed it.

Edit: Just realized I forgot Drakon. Sorry buddy 😢

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