714 13 0

300 AC




Benjen Whitestark, Lord Of Moat Cailin, is tired. Really, really, tired.

He had always thought that fighting in a war was an adventure. An adventure to win honour and glory, just like his older brother Ned had done in Greyjoy Rebellion.

Benjen always wanted to make a name for himself, and as the youngest sibling, it was very difficult for him. That is one of the main reason, he wanted to join the Night's Watch, but his brother had prevented that.

When the war started he got his chance to prove himself to his children. But the sudden death of his older brother changed his view, and after seeing war with his own eyes and leading men to death, he finally understood that glory is not the worth for his family.

There is nothing honourable in war. That he had learned, after fighting in this war for over a year. War only brings suffering and death for the smallfolk.

He had been one of those, who was in favour of suing peace with the Iron Throne, even though it was his own brother who the Lannisters had murdered.

But it was not to be. The Lords wanted revenge against the Lannisters, for their slight against House Stark and The North.

So he did his duty and fought, not for revenge but for the freedom of the north.

And now after a year of fighting, they are finally here, the final battle of this long drawn out war.

Tywin Lannister and his huge army had made their camp, just a few kilometres in front of there own camp.

He and his nephew Robb, along with many of the lords are on a hill top, near there camp, observing the enemy camp from a distance.

Everyone was silent, even the Greatjon and his son, who were always so boisterous, were also silent. And why wouldn't they, when they saw the massive camp of the enemy, which seemed to stretch for kilometres.

He has faith in his King, but even he had to acknowledge that, it is madness!!.

50,000 of them, against over hundreds of thousands of Southerners, gathered under the command of Tywin Lannister himself.

After a year of war, The North and The South had finally come together, to decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms.

Everyone is in various state of nervousness and many of them had the expression of doubt on their faces.

Everyone except for his nephew, King Robb.

He turned to his side to look at the auburn haired youth, who was on top of his white deserter.

Robb had a serene expression on his face, as he was calmly running his hands through Greywind's fur. The faithful Direwolf is sitting, by his master's side.

Robb's face was expressionless, but his eyes were blazing with an intensity that Benjen had never seen before.

It looks like this is the day that Robb was looking for all his life.

Robb's previous victories in Westerlands and Reach had earned him many a titles. Many say that Robb is so successful because he had the blood of Theon Stark on his father's side and Tristefer Mudd on his mother's side. There are even a few who said that Robb is Aegon Targaryen reborn or that he is blessed by the old gods.

The smallfolk of Riverlands and North ever outright say that Robb is son of the Old Gods themselves or that he is the Warrior himself, disguised in human form.

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