779 13 0

300 AC




The silence in the room was deafening. Everyone was sat down around the table of the room set aside for the small council to use.        

Mace Tyrell and Cersei Lannister are red with fury, while all of the others were sat uncomfortably.

Pycelle looked a little pale while Littlefinger was in his usual smug self, even though his eyes showed hint of uncertainty. The corrupt commander of the Gold Cloaks, Janos Slynt, was wide eyed with fear. Varys was the only one whose face didn't give away anything.

The messenger who arrived just this morning had brought news that he, and indeed everyone else did not expect. Only eight days ago, Robb Stark had defeated Lord Baelor's host and had successfully captured the city of Old Town.

It was a major catastrophe, as most of their food supplies are coming from The Reach and Lord Baelor's army is the only force that was guarding the domain of House Tyrell.

And now with his army destroyed, the Northmen are now running rampant all along the Reach, burning and pillaging the country side.

The northmen have effectively blocked the Rose Road, looting the baggage trains of supplies and food that were meant for
Capital. And While the Redwyne fleet is helping in bringing supplies, it will not be long before their massive army and populous of the city began starving.

And knowing Tywin, his brother would rather feed his army that wasting the food and supplies on starving smallfolks.

"Well" Littlefinger drawled sarcastically "Looks like Lord Tyrion's plan to stop Robb Stark failed as always".

"Laugh Whoremonger, laugh" Kevan thought darkly "But don't forget it was you, who betrayed Lord Eddard Stark. And if his son won this war, it will be your head he will take first".

He had never liked Littlefinger, and it was only because of the, Late Hand Of The King, Lord Jon Arryn, that the Master Of Coin had gained his position in the Small Council.

His youngest nephew glared at the Master Of Coin hatefully "My plan didn't
fail Lord Baelish" Tyrion snapped angrily "We had Robb Stark in the ropes, if only Lord Baelor had been patient in hi attack, our plan would have worked flawlessly".

"But can we really blame Lord Baelor" Varys said softly "His home was in danger, anyone at his position would have done the same thing".

"But that doesn't excuse his insubordination" Cersei said strongly "We have to punish him".

Tyrion raised an eyebrow "And how will you punish him" he said sarcastically "He is a prisoner of our enemy, if you didn't  forget".

"And besides, Lord Varys is right" Kevan said "We would have done the same thing". And it was true. They would have done the same if their own home is being attacked. Hell his brother Tywin, who is always composed and rational in his work, almost did the same thing when he heard that Casterly Rock had fallen.

"I cannot wait any longer we have to march on the Starks immediately" Mace Tyrell demanded "I will not sit here while he burns my home"

"Or You are just jealous that my brother gave Lord Tarly the command of the army and not to you" Kevan thought, which is true.

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