Chapter 1: The Memory Dream

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I had been at the cemetery when he first appeared to me. 

My mother was visiting her sister-in-law, who had past away five years previously in a car crash. I had been walking around looking at the different flowers and gravestones when I saw a woman crying while leaning on to a giant black hound with dark eyes and a collar with a strange red pendant attached to it.

The woman had looked so out of place.

She was pale. Pale white skin, with white blonde hairand the palest blue eyes I had ever seen. But what I remember were her lips. They had been as blue as her eyes. She had a scared expression on her face and she was shaking terribly. 

I walked over and tapped her shoulder and she looked up at me. 

"Why are you crying miss?" I asked.

She smiled so sadly and said "Because I am going somewhere frightening and lonely. I am leaving my family behind."

I nodded. I would be sad to if I had to leave my mommy, daddy and my brothers and sisters.

I looked at the big hound next to her and wanted to pet him very much. But my mommy told me I have to ask permission to pet people's animals.

I asked her "Is that your dog miss?"

She shook her head. "No he is not my pet. He is no one's pet."

I nodded. That confused me. Why was she with him if he isn't her pet?

"May I please pet him?"

She looked very hesitant and a little scared.

"I do not know. I do not think he will like you, as he doesn't like many people."

I asked her, "Why are your lips bliue miss?"

She responded, telling me " Becasue I am cold sweet child."

"I am sorry your cold. But please may I try to pet him?" I begged.

She hesitated  before finally nodding yes. 

I reached my hand out to him, but not touching him, so that he could decide if he wanted to be pet or not.

He came forward and sniffed my hand before he placed his head under my hand. I pet his head a few times before trying to move my hand, but he let out a sad whine and nudged my hand. I remember giggling at him when the pale woman let out a pain-filled wail.

I felt something wet trail down my cheeks. I raised my hand to my cheeks and pulled my hand away. When I saw that it was clear I realized I was crying. He turned and licked my cheeks and when he stopped I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The pale woman gtabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from him.

"Listen to me closely child. Never leave your house on a new moon and never loose this." She placed a small black bell on what looked like a flower chain. The flowers looked like red and black foxglove but with a spicier scent. 

I looked up at the woman "Are these foxgloves?"  She shook her head no.

" No dear child these are Hell's Bell's and they are very rare. And as long as you care for them they will never die."

The pale woman stood up and grabbed the dog's collar before walking away.

I looked down and saw a sparkle. I reached down and picked up the object. It was a silver ring with a large black stone on it. I realized it was the woman's.

"Miss!" I looked up and around before I realized that the pale woman was gone. 

I put the ring on the chain with the black bell and skipped back to my momma.

I found her still at the gravestone and tugged on her sleeve. I smiled when she looked at me. I lifted up the necklace.

"A pale woman gave me this." When she saw the flowers, she went very pale.

"This lady, did she have a dog with her?"

I nodded and I told her  "Yes and he liked me very much!" I beamed up at her happily.

"Tell me everything." She looked unhappy, so I told her everything to make her happy again.

She cried and carreid me to the car while telling me sorry over and over again.  When we got to the car she bent down and told me "Never take off the necklace Tam."

I nodded and asked her "Why are you sorry and why shouldn't I ever take the necklace off?"

She looked so sad when she told me " You'll know when your older Tam."

I know why she said sorry to me and why I should never take off the necklace or ring. 

And  I wish I didn't.

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