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BACKGROUND: There was a loyal Wolfragon Knightness who went by an alias for the longest time which was Savvy, but her true, real name was Sherry. She ran into an unusual knight she had never seen before who was indeed a Crestfallen Knight. She has never seen any sort of crestfallen knights in her time when she was saving her realm from total destruction. This crestfallen knight also had an alias that he had himself. This alias he gave himself was Crest, a name that everyone knows, and remembers him by. Crest's real name was Dakota, a name that Sherry has never heard before in her entire life. She was so eager to meet him, but she fears that he will not allow her to speak to him since he is the one to be quick to attack. Eventually, the two ended up fighting off an unknown enemy together and thus was where the two met and they became good alliances with one another. Until one day, things all change for the better of the two knights.

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