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sighing, i packed my bags, ready to leave home for the first time and head to the human world.

being a fairy is actually not a difficult thing to do but it's just that we fairies will have to leave home every year during your seasonal months as we are kind of in charge of the seasons too

we are mostly in charge of making sure that everyone is safe and also to see if there is any danger from our enemies

our enemies were around in the last few centuries but we have to be alert because i am actually a newbie in being a seasonal fairy, going out to earth and watch out for these things happening

my mother was the original winter fairy but ever since she gave birth to another fairy, which is a very rare thing to do, she has lost some of her powers through the process of birth and so, this means that when i turn into an eligible age to go out into earth, my mom will quit her role as the original winter fairy

stories about my father was commonly told by my mother on how he protected her and i when my mother was pregnant with me at that time, when there are wars happening between us and our enemies

although my mother told me that they have banished them, she has warned me that they will come back after a few centuries

as of right now, i am 20,000 years old and is now eligible to go to earth and serve my role as a winter fairy

"y/n... it's almost time to go. why do you look so sad? you've always wanted to go to earth right?"

mom asked as she saw that y/n was a bit hesitant to proceed on to continue packing her things for a 3 months stay in earth

"it's just that... i don't feel like i am supposed to be the one doing this. something just doesn't feel right about going to earth no matter how much i've wanted to visit that place."

hugging her mother, y/n buried her face into her mother neck, hugging her mother tightly because this would be the last hug in 3 months

"you can do this honey. remember who you are. you are a child of the one and only winter fairy and i am a rare one that gave birth to you. this actually means that some one the powers i've 'lost' was actually passed on to you. so you can do it! just remember one more thing, be aware of where you are going because being in earth at night is not a good thing. i've briefed you on what to do and what not to do so i trust you that you are alright with yourself. remember one thing my child, you are much more powerful than any other fairies out there and you got this."

through your mother's words, tears burst out of your eyes as you began to wet her shirt with all the heavy crying you released as you are afraid of the unknown, nervous of what is going to happen but at the same time,  excited

"mom, one last thing before i go that you did not mention in the briefing. have you met the winter god?"

this only made her mother wink at her and gave her a smirk that was plastered on her mother's face

"you'll see. i bet that you are able to recognise him because of his pale skin. just remember that if you wanna know who he is, he has very pale skin and i'm very sure that you will be falling head over heels for him after winter if you met him"

y/n's mother joked which caused them to burst out into laughter despite y/n's heavy crying

reaching the portal, y/n hugged her mother one last time before stepping into the portal with all her belongings with her

before y/n was transported into earth, she saw her mother muttering 'i love you' to her and she also did it in return before a bright light shone, making y/n shut her eyes and in less than a second, she felt herself falling and having her eyes and mouth closed shut, she felt herself landing on her butt, on something soft

this is when she knew, she was already on earth

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now