"Excuse me, sensei! What will happen if they come late?" Kushida politely questioned.

   Before they could answer, the door opened and entered Mochizuki. He leisurely walked, acting like he wasn't late, looking like he took lessons on how to act like Kōenji.

   "I believe you were told punctuality was key, and yet you're late. Hurry and take your seat." Mashima-sensei said.

   "What are you talking about? If you really wanted everyone to be on time then put that tardiness will be punished. You say punctuality is key but I've come here early? Even if you punish my class I really don't fucking care, in fact I encourage you as they are getting too cocky thinking they actually did something when in reality they didn't do shit." he said while walking towards Mashima-sensei.

   "Look at Horikita who won us the test, does she really seem fit as a leader? While her academic ability, intelligence, decision making, and physical ability are great, her cooperation is the worst thing ever. Even Rokusuke is someone who you can get along with, but Horikita doesn't have the skills to do so? Is her ego bigger than her abilities? Isn't that why she was placed in Class D? The same can be said for Hirata and Kushida; they have one aspect of their past ruining their ticket for Class A. Perhaps I have said too much for your liking Mashima-sensei though now you should have an idea of what is going on."

   These words could only be heard by the teacher. In response he simply pointed his hand at the unoccupied chair.

  "Take a seat."

  "After you give me your answer."

   "Fine, I agree."

   "Then I'll follow the order, thanks."

   He expressed his gratitude and sat down with no complaints.

   "What's up with those looks?" He inquired in genuine confusion.

   "Mochizuki, Hirata, Horikita, and Kushida, from Class D. Without further ado, I will now explain the special test."

(A/N, like always I won't be writing the rules)

   Breakfast time, I avoided the buffet that was popular with a lot of the students. I took a table in the shaded back, where there weren't many people around. It was 7:50 in the morning after all. The person who invited me sat right in front of me.

   "So did any important happen?" Kiyotaka started the conversation.

   "Not that I can recall. They just explained what you told me, other than that it seems like the people in my group were put there on purpose." I explained as I handed him the list of people in my group.

   The chances of it being a coincidence is pretty much non-existent.

   "Katsuragi, Ichinose, Ryūen, and someone from Class D. The reason behind Sakayanagi not being here is probably a simple one of that she didn't board the ship or won't take part in this exam as well. So our teacher chose who from Class D to bring as it's highly unlikely that the other homeroom teachers did. Which means she chose me. Maybe she now likes me so much that she figured that I would want to be in this group."

   Nonetheless why would she deliberately choose me and bring the attention towards me? To get revenge for my attitude? Because all of the other students are class leaders the attention will be put on me even more because at least the most popular in each class are only one. For example Katsuragi, Ichinose, Ryūen, etc. There's Horikita, who is the 'leader' due to her beating all the class, Kushida, one the most popular girl in this school for her kind and caring demeanor, Hirata, who is really popular with the girls, someone who is number one in the hottest guys ranking, don't ask how I know that, and then there's me, a nobody who no one virtually knows except for a few students.

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