Don't Give Up (Evil x and you)

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So before you read this you will have to watch a couple of videos. The videos are located on youtube. The video you'll need to watch first is

Game Theory: Minecraft's DARKEST Timeline! (Hermitcraft SMP)

This will explain everything behind this chapter, you can find this next video also on youtube. You need to watch this video after the first one.

Evil's Fault - Hermitcraft Fan Animation

These are very important to watch in order to understand what I'm even writing. This corresponds correctly to the Hermitcraft timeline, dating all the way back to Season one.

TW: nightmares, sleep deprivation, isolation, loneliness

"Evil voice?" Ex called into the silence, the voice in his head was gone, where did it go.
"I don't want to do this," He spoke nervously.
"Being evil isn't fun anymore," he called as he teleported back to the hermitcraft server.

A few weeks later Xisuma cast him into a hole with lava at the bottom, and there Evil Xisuma was stuck. So with tiredness creeping into his mind, he closed his eyes and slept. Expecting dreams, he was presented with nightmares.

"Not fun anymore?" The evil voice questioned and Ex shivered.
"You need to have another nightmare," The voice demanded with no remorse.

"You don't like being evil anymore?" The voice, Jeff, continued "Maybe you need some consistent motivation,"

Evil Xisuma began to shake, he wanted to wake up. Wake up, WAKE UP. But he couldn't

"Having a bad dream? Even if you wake up I'll still be here. Even upon waking nightmares don't go away," Jeff said as he grabbed Ex's helmet and tore it off, revealing tear's streaming down his cheeks. And voices repeated, "Join us,"

"We wait,"

Ex woke up crying, he tore of his helmet and his head fingers burnt. He sat until his panic went away and he didn't sleep.

He grabbed some lava and wrote "STAY AWAKE" on the walls. The last thing he wanted was to sleep. He didn't want to see Jeff again and he didn't want to have another nightmare.

After a while, a bunch of stay awake signs were scattered across the walls and his eyelids were heavy with exhaustion.
"Don't sleep, stay awake,"
Ex thought. Then the voices came back,
"Join us,"
They chanted, and Ex fell asleep.

Through his dream he ended with waking up in a forest.

"It was real! But I'm not evil anymore,"

Ex said as he lay on the ground. Everything was calm and he saw Xisuma, his brother above him. The man that cast him to the bottom of a pit with lava at the end.

"Oh my Notch, are you okay?"

"I've had enough of that evil voice,"

"What voice?"

"The one in my head, I can't hear it anymore,"

Xisuma reached his hand to Ex and gladly took it. Something was wrong, Xisuma was floating in front of him. Then he repeated

"Oh my Notch, are you okay?"

Ex stayed silent, something was off.

"Are you okay?"

Xisuma turned into Jeff, the voice that had taunded Ex for so long. It laughed at him, Ex cursed himself for believing in a dream.

"Did you really think you could escape MY nightmare?"

Ex tried to escape from Jeff but it continued to remind Ex who was in control.

I'm in your head

I control your dreams

I control your actions

I control your




Evil X began to cry. But Jeff didn't let go.
"I can't do this, I can't," Ex thought.

"You will destroy the hermits, including your precious Xisumavoid,"

Ex thought of Xisuma, how gladly he wished to be awake and with his brother.

"And even if you fail to do so," Jeff continued, "You will try again," And Xisuma would ban him.

"And again," And Jeff would call him worthless.

"And again," Xisuma would ban his brother again.

"And again," And Jeff would call him a failure.

"Join Us," The voices repeated, and a hand reached for Ex and he choked on his tears.

"Join Us,"

"Join Us,"

"Join Us,"


"I can't"

"Not this guy again,"

"Aren't you bad at being evil,"






Evil Xisuma woke up and found his brother's arms around him, hoping it wasn't a dream, he hugged back. Xisuma cried and he knew that putting his brother in that hole was a terrible idea. Ex held his brother close and cried.

Don't give up, you are everything and more anyone could ever need you to be. Do things for you, not for your friends or your family. The rough spot you are in will pass, and you will grow. Don't finish life like a race, take it easy and go at your own pace, be what you want to be. The universe has a future for you, and it will be a good one. <3

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