"Nah it's cute. I know you can't stay away from me for too long" I smirked and walked off before he got the chance to respond. I wrote down his order on a ticket before sending it to the kitchen.

"So can I go ask him if he got any friends for me?" Jayda asked.

"Girl leave that man alone" I shook my head at her.

"He live right next door, you ain't seen no fine ass niggas?"

I shook my head no, "He's barely there himself"

"Tell him to put me on. Thank you" She smiled before picking up the food to bring to her table. I grabbed some disinfectant spray and a towel then headed over to the bar to wipe it down. I was trying to make myself look busy so my boss wouldn't give me anything to do.

"Dream order up" One of the cooks said aloud.

I grabbed the plate and sat them down on the bar in front of me before grabbing styrofoam containers to pack up the food for Jordan. I made sure to put syrup, utensils and plenty of napkins into his bag. I printed out the receipt and headed over to him.

"Here's your food" I placed the bag down in front of him and also sat the receipt down on the table. It was protocol to make to go orders pay first before giving them their food, however if this nigga tried to run off I'd just trip him or something.

He looked down at the receipt,"Y'all split tips?" He began to reach into his pocket.

"No" His glass was empty so I picked it up. "You want a refill for the road?" That was also against protocol, if he wanted a drink to go he'd have to buy another drink separately.

"Nah I'm good" He shook his head, "Here, keep the change" Jordan handed me two hundred dollar bills.

"Uhhh" I said confused grabbing the receipt from his hand. I had to make sure I didn't give him someone else's bill. I read over the receipt again and it read $16.49.

"Boy here," I tried to hand him at least one bill back but he insisted on me keeping it.

"Put the damn money in your pocket." Jordan replied as he slid out the booth.

I've been working here for almost a month now and this was definitely the most money I've made in tips.

"I'll see you later"

I put one of the bills in my back pocket before going to the register to check out the rest of the bill. The change from the other hundred dollars went right into my pocket as well. I have a hair appointment right after work so this money is definitely being used to pay for that.

Once my shift at work was over I got into my uber and headed downtown. Kali's birthday is tomorrow and we're going out to dinner tonight so I wanted to get something done to my head so I could look somewhat presentable.

I walked into the salon and Never Ever by Ciara was playing through the speakers. I looked around and there were a couple people at their booths doing hair.

"Girl I'm right here" I could hear Shaunie say. I looked around and finally seen her in the last booth in the back.

"I did not see your ass" I laughed as I walked over.

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