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The bell rang for the last time, making it the start to summer break

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The bell rang for the last time, making it the start to summer break. Just the ringing sound alone in my ear made me suddenly feel at ease. I no longer have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to listen to teachers talk for an entire class period. Sleeping in until noon is something I cannot wait to do.

I grabbed my purse and headed straight out the classroom. The crowds of people that would usually linger around the hallways long after school let out, all dispersed outside to the school's parking lot.

I could see Jayda sitting on the hood of her car talking with our friends Kali and Nemir.

"What y'all talking about?" I said as I walked up to them.

"You coming out tonight?" Nemir asked me.

"Yeah just for a little bit though"

My friends love to be out until the ass crack of dawn. Meanwhile on the other hand, my social meter starts to die out around 1 am. I really can't complain because I'm not the one driving so most times I would just stay home if I didn't want to be out all night versus being the Debbie Downer of the group. I still wanted to go out and show my face so I'd take an uber home if need be.

"I better find me a boo or something. I need something to do this summer" Jayda looked at herself in her phone camera as she applied lip gloss to her lips.

"Are we not working at Pancake Palace?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at her.

"Chile Mrs. Yolonda lucky if she gets an hour outta me she talking bout 30 hour work week" Jayda scoffed "If my daddy wasn't making me pay my speeding tickets myself I definitely would've said fuck that job"

"Well I need a car so I need all the hours I can get"

"Well while y'all doing that. Imma be fucking somebody nigga" Nemir added in.

"Here his ass go" Kali scoffed and we all laughed.

"Watch ya man then you should watch your mouth" Nemir started quoting Nicki Minaj. I looked down at my phone to see a text from Tae letting me know he was in the front waiting for me.

"Anyways I'll talk to y'all later" I laughed and started to walk away. I walked around to the front of the building and Tae's car was parked right out front. As I approached I could see that he had niggas in the car with him. The closet I got, the more I expected the nigga in the front seat to get out and let me sit in the front, but he didn't.

One of the dudes in the backseat got out, alluding to the fact that he wanted me to sit in the middle.

"Hell naw y'all got me fucked up" I frowned looking at Tae in the front seat.

"Man get yo lil ass in the car." Tae smacked his lips at me. I rolled my eyes and climbed into the backseat. The car wreaked of marijuana and I could see a pack of backwoods sitting in the cup holder.

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