Smart Investment

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I took the elevator up to the top floor of the hotel before stepping off. At the end of the hall there were two tall big hispanic guys guarding a door so I knew exactly that's where I was going.

I walked up to the door I handed one guy my bag so he could check it while the other guy patted me down. I knew I had a gun on my waist, I stay strapped no matter where I am.

"You'll get this back on your way out" The guy said as he took my gun and put it on his waist.

I knew they wouldn't let me pass the door with the gun but I still brought it just incase one day they slip up and let me through.

I walked inside and Bad Bunny was playing on the speakers. There were latina women all throughout the large hotel room but I knew to follow the noise to find who I needed to speak to.

"Santos wassup" I spoke above the music as I approach the mini bar.

"Jay!" Santos exclaimed throwing his hands up, "Here take a shot my friend" He began to pour some Azul tequila into a glass.

"Nah I'm good I'm here to talk business with you"

He glared at me and slid the glass across the bar. "Fuck it" I said to myself and tossed the shot back.

"Business Santos. Business" I told him again.

"Whatchu need Jay? I don't have nothing for you my friend" He said walking from behind the bar. He grabbed the hand of the closest girl near him and led her over to the couch.

"With all due respect, ion need you, you need me. You not sellings keys quick enough which means you ain't brining in money. The Artez is on your ass. I'm just tryna help you out"

"Help me how?" He asked blowing smoke into the air.

"I'll sell the keys for you"

"So you think you're better than me? You saying I can't do my job?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"All I'm saying is the Artez's gon be here soon wanting they money and you don't got it. I can have them keys gone by tomorrow night or I can pay off your debt and you'll just owe me a favor when I need it."

I knew forming this alliance was the best way to make sure my boys were safe on the streets but also give us a chance to possibly do business with them in the future.

"Why are you doing this?" I watched as he brought a cigar up to his lips and one of the girls lit it for him. Santos was about 50 years old give or take but kept a different young latina on his side at all time. If he was broke they wouldn't even bat an eye in his direction.

"One friend helping another one out"

"So you're just gonna pay off a fifteen thousand debt just to help me out?" He questions blowing clouds of smoke into the air. I nodded my head as I reached into my bag to grab the cash. I pulled out the stack of blue hundreds that was rubber banded together and tossed it onto the coffee table.

"My man" Santos smiles standing up from the couch.

He daps up with me, "Angela come take care of him"

I laughed and shook my head "Nah I'm good. No need Angela"

"You're missing out Jay. Angela got a mouth on her" Santos chuckles as he taps my shoulder. There was no telling how many dicks has been in shorty's mouth today alone, mine was not about to be the next.

"Imma see myself out though. Keep in touch" My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and Leon's name was on the screen.

"Will do Jay. I owe you my life" Santos stated.

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