Chapter 2: The Truth

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6 Years later

  The door swung open, my dad looking ever so pissed. I watched as he paced my room back and forth in silence, not bothering with his usual small, happy greeting. He stopped pacing and looked over me, I shifted uncomfortably.
"Y/n, I have to tell you something" He finally spoke kneeling infont of me. I looked at him curiously, my gut telling me something bad is about to happen. He sat quietly again, Im guessing so he could word it right.
"Widow, you know that you aren't my biological child right? You know I adopted you" He stated things I already knew, so I nodded. He hummed looking over my features before shaking his head.
"Do you know who your parents are?" He finally asked. I shook my head no.
I have no idea who they are, I really never thought of it till I turned 13 last year. But I haven't asked him cause I thought it might of been a sore subject.
"Well would you like to know?" He questioned.
"I would like to" I anwsered. He nodded and lead me through the Red building up to the Red Room headquarters.
The room was full of computers and desk's, and you could see the whole area since we were on the top floor looking out a window. My Dad lead me over to another room full of files that were stacked neatly in shelf's and billboards in between each self.

  I flaked back to look at the files. The files each have a name neatly writen on the a tab and inside were documents of each Widow that has been recruited and some marked deceased in bold, red lettering.

The documents contained personal information, and skill level; the highest level is a 10, which none have. But two in particular caught my eye.
They are where my Dad is standing over on another wall to the west side of the room. The files to the north wall each had red word's writen on the front of the file. Im guessing that those are the files of The Red Room's enemies that they have eliminated. On the south side of the wall they had no red lettering just names with the word Wanted imprinted on the front. Those must be the living enemies of the Red Room.
My Dad waved me over as he pulled the two files that I was interested in, out from their place on the shelf. He delicately handed me the folder's, his face blank and not readable. I frowned but opened the file's despite my discomfort in his expression.
The name was Natasha Romanoff. An ex- assassin and Red Room Widow, now an Avenger Known as Black Widow, part of the original six Avengers. She is 30 year's old, 5'3, Red hair, blue eye's etc.
I looked over at my Dad who nodded and gestured to the next file. I kept quiet and slid the Romanoff file behind the new file.
The name was Clint Barton. An expert archer and shield agent, now an Avenger Known as Hawkeye, part of the original six Avengers. He is 32 year's old, he is 6'3, blonde hair, blue eye's etc.

  "Those...Those are your real parents" My Dad broke the silence with a hand on my shoulder.

My eye's went wide. Two of the Avengers are my biological parents. The thing that doesn't make since is that if Natasha was a Widow she would've had her uterus removed when she was about 15, so how would she of carried a child, or even gotten pregnant.
"Dad, how did she get pregnant? She would've had her uterus removed around 15 if she was a Widow" I looked suspiciously at my father. He stayed scilent, I could see the gear's in his head turning rapidly.
"Well, that's the thing Widow. You weren't carried in the womb like a normal baby would've been" He explained. "You were still in a womb, but not in a human womb. You were carried in a machine that was designed as a womb. We took your mother's frozen egg that we stored, and we took your father's DNA/sperm, was a brutal task in getting it, and we ejected into the womb-like machine"
Tear's brimmed in my eye's as he explained how I was made. I wasn't even carried like a normal child! I was made in a machine as what seem's like an experiment. And I'm guessing my parents have no idea I even exist!
"Y/n? Widow?" His hand moved infront of my face slowly. My eyebrows furrowed in anger and sadness. I grabbed his wrist stopping his movement's, his eye's surprised and filling with a painful look. My grip tightening as I thought more about what he just told me.
"Y/n! Отпусти мое запястье! Теперь!" He yelled pulling against me, his wrist and hand completely white and limb.
I complied but not in a nice way. I shoved him to the ground, his back hitting against a shelf. He groaned in pain and struggled to get up as I walked out of the room. He followed me out of the main head quarters and out into the hallway's.
He grabbed my upper arm and twisted me around to face him. As I was turned around, I took the gun I hid in my shorts waist band and hit him with the butt of the gun. He stubbled back stunned and held his bleeding forehead.

  "Dont you EVER touch me again! I am not your daughter or your little Widow! I was your experiment! A test subject! I want nothing to do with you or the Widow's anymore" I cried, my vision blurry from the tear's.

I took a deep breath, spun on my heel's and sprinted back to my room. How could he just lie to me! I wasn't adopted! He is a horrible person! They all are! I want to find my Mom and Dad, but that is risking their live's; especially my mother's.

This was a horrible way to tell me the Truth...

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