Chapter 1: The beginning

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"Hello My little widow"

"Hiya Papa"

Y/n was sitting quietly enjoying her blocks and other toys she was gifted, more a bribe than a gift. Y/n was only three and she was smarter than most the scientists in the Red Room. Jessie, Y/n's Papa watched intensely as Y/n bulit her block tower, it a replica of Tony Stark's.

"Y/n, how come you won't train with the other widow's?" Jessie asked taking Y/n and setting him in her lap. Y/n fussed, but sat still in Jessie's lap.

"Because, I dont wanna fight in comb-bat" Y/n anwsered, pronouncing combat wrong.

"Calm bat, sweetie" Jessie laughed tickling Y/n side's. Y/n cried into a fit of giggle's, trying to push away his hand's away from her small body.

After a little more tickling, Y/n got tried of his hands moving freely on her small body. Y/n growled taking Jessie's finger's she pulled him foward and held him tight. Jessie's gasped and tried pulling his hands away, but Y/n grunted and held her grip.

"Y/n, can I have my finger's back?"


"You are going to be amazing one day my litte Widow" Jessie gently tore his hand's free from Y/n's tigh toddler grip. Y/n looked side eyed at Jessie, her red cheeks's puffed out in annoyance.

"Dont be sad, it's dinner time! Let's go" Jessie sat Y/n on his hip and exited the room.

Jessie moved Y/ns H/c-ish, red hair from her bright E/c eye's. He set Y/n's favorite dish infront of her, Mac and Cheese. Y/n cooed happily before digging into her cheese covered noodle's.

Jessie smiled at Y/n and quietly ate his mac and cheese, he was determined to get her trained as a widow, or at least trained in something and he has just the way to do it.

5 Year's later

"Y/n, report to you room, Y/n report to your room immediately"

Y/n looked curiously at the com's but walked towards her room. On her way to her room, she looked in the training room's for the new widow's that were just recruited. She look at their skills in fighting, mostly close combat. Y/n shook her head disgustingly at the training and ran towards her room.

Y/n opened the door and saw Jessie's sitting on her bed, his eye's dark in deep thought. His head snapped over to Y/n as she closed the door gently and sat next to him on her red bedding. They sat in silence, Y/n picking at her nail's; a nervous habit she has started.

Jessie took Y/n's hands away from her mouth and set them at her side.

"Y/n, I bet you will say no, but will you tra-" Jessie was cut off mid sentence by a furious Y/n. "No, I will not train with the widow's"

"Y/n, can you at least train in something!? What do you like? What fascinates your smart mind?" Jessie bent down on his knee's infront of Y/n. Y/n sat in thought, before she found something she was interested in.

"Um, can I shoot a gun?" She asked shyly. Jessie smiled and answered with a of course, and walked with Y/n to the shooting range.

Y/n smiled in awe as the bigger widow's shot at the targets, never missing the bullseye. Y/n was called over to Jessie's since she got side tracked, and he explained how to use a small pistol and even had a bigger widow demonstrat how.

Y/n took the protective ear and eye gear and Jessie walked her over to a target. He showed Y/n how to take the safety off and aim. She did exactly what he said. She aimed just above the center, something she picked up on by watching Samantha demonstrate. She spread her feet apart just like the bigger widow's and pulled the trigger.

The bullet went straight through the red bullseye, Jessie and the bigger widow's in astonishment. Y/n giggled and handed her dad the pistol so he could reload it.

Jessie set the gun off to the side before picking up small Y/n and twirling her around be setting her on the ground again.

"That was amazing my gun fighting widow!" Jessie praised the young girl.

"Really Papa?" She asked.

"Why yes! Come on do it again" The rest of the day she spent learning how to use different gun's with Jessie and the widow's.

This was the beginning of an amazing widow, and maybe just maybe Jessie's plan will work out.

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