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Alina's Pov: 

I snuck around the house of my next target, being careful not to make any noise. I was still quite shaken up due to the dream I woke up from just hours before. 

I reached the door and turned the handle quietly. The house was quiet, which made sense because it was well past midnight. Carefully, I stepped forward making my way towards the stairs, my hand on my back pocket allowing me to access my gun if needed. 

Halfway up the stairs I heard a loud creak coming from the kitchen I left behind on the lower level. My gun was now out and I was fully alert. I turned around again and headed back down, walking closer and closer to the grey fridge. I heard scuffling, but when I searched the kitchen no one was there.

Shrugging it off, I continued to walk up the stairs to the father's bedroom, it was only a family of two. The father and his 3 year old daughter. I figured I'd be able to kill him first and then capture the girl. 

The door slowly opened, no noise being made at all. The man in the bed was sleeping peacefully, only the sounds of soft snores being heard. I held my gun out, pointing it at his forehead, shutting my eyes like I normally did. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I heard a familiar voice behind me, causing me to snap around. I was met with green eyes and red hair. "Please, put the gun down." Natasha asked calmly, hands up in the air to show me she meant no harm. 

"Nattie?" I blinked, trying to figure out if this was real or not. It seemed real, quite real actually, but still I wasn't quite sure. "Is it really you?" 

She nodded, not understanding why I was so hesitant to accept that it was her. "Yes, why wouldn't it be?" 

I started to hyperventilate, still frustrated with the task of deciphering what was real or fake. "I-i, umm, I-" I stuttered, tears forming in my eyes, my gun fell to the floor with a thud, but I didn't make a move. Her hands found my sides and she wrapped her arms around my shaky form. 

"Shh." She wiped my tears with her shirt sleeve, "It's me okay. Just breathe." She swept me off my feet, picking my gun up and carrying me down the stairs. "Let's get out of here, hmm?" I managed to nod through my shallow, quick breaths. 

"Wait!" She paused and I collected myself enough to grab the knife out of my sleeve and slice my bicep. 

"What are you doi-" I shushed her, carefully digging the tracker Hydra had place in me out of my arm. "Oh." 

I sniffled, wiping the knife off on my shirt as well as my hands. Natasha didn't say anything, afraid of breaking the peaceful, silence we had going back to the jet. Well as peaceful as silent crying could get. My brain was still foggy, it felt real, seemed real, looked real, yet I couldn't decide if I believe that. 

"Did you get her?" I hear a deep voice call out from the pilot's seat. Nat sat me down on the table in the center, looking up towards where the voice came from. 

She looked back down at me quickly, checking to make sure I wasn't going to die on her anytime soon. "I'll be right back okay?" I nodded softly, she smiled and wiped the few stray tears from my cheeks. 

She wasn't gone to long, just a few minutes, bickering with her 'friend' about something I couldn't quite make out. I spent those few minutes trying to make sense of it all, coming to the conclusion that I wasn't sure if it was real or fake, but it didn't hurt to treat it like it was real. 

When Nat came back, my crying had finally stopped and I had bandaged myself up with a med kit I found near by. "We're going to land in a few hours. You should rest up." She suggested, sitting down in a seat next to me. 

I leaned into her shoulder, nuzzling my face into it. "Where?" My eyes fluttered shut, but I didn't allow myself to fall asleep until she answer with the one answer I never expected. "Shield." 


Natasha's Pov: 

Alina was actually here with me, right next to me, asleep against my shoulder. She looked so calm and happy when she slept, a lot different than the tenseness you could sense in her when she was awake. Her hand was tightly grasping a small part of my suit and her soft snores were the cutest thing I'd ever heard. 

She smelled exactly the same, like dirt and sweat mixed with cherry. Her black hair had grown a bit, but it still wasn't past her shoulders. She had never been one for a long hair cut. She still had that mole on her bottom eyelid, and hundreds of little freckles scattered across her tan cheeks. Her lips were a baby pink, as they were before, and her eyes, her eyes were exactly the same mesmerizing dark chocolate brown I used to get lost in for hours. The only difference was the new bruises and cuts that littered her weak, skinny body. 

"She's pretty, I have to admit." Clint sat down across from us, with about an hour left of the flight, autopilot now on. I nodded, not moving my eyes from the sleeping girl on my shoulder. "I'm sorry you were separated." 

I gave a small shrug, trying not to wake Alina up. "It's fine, she's here now." I pushed the hair that was falling onto her face back behind her ear. He didn't say anything for a while, I didn't either. I was too focused on Alina, I was still in shock that I was actually holding her. I had her next to me after 3 years apart. 

"If she hurts you, she's dead." Clint finally spoke up after what seemed like hours, leaving to go pilot again because we were going to land soon. I chuckled, finding his protectiveness hilarious, I was the same way when he met Laura, but I'll have to admit they are perfect for each other. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to tell her that." 


A/n: we did it :) hope you enjoyed 

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