Chapter 15, Communication

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Bendy's Purr-spective

Haha get it-? Yeah-.

After everyone had filled up with delicious soup, I had sunken back in Cuphead's lap and I was rubbing my belly. The blonde was watching me with an amused grin. I could tell he wanted to laugh at me. Even so, he reached down and scooped me up. "C'mon you chubby demon, let's get you to bed before you pass out." He said and held back a laugh when I tried to kick him and failed. He continued to carry me to his comfy tent and I immediately flopped down on his soft blanket. I curled up and purred, satisfied for the moment. I relaxed as his smooth porcelain fingers brushed through my fur, stroking my horns gently. Then I formulated a question that was obvious to ask, but I hadn't had the courage to ask about before. "Cuphead... Did you like the kisses too..?" I asked and buried my face in the fluffy blanket. Cup's hand stopped and I felt him shift, moving closer to me. I shivered when I felt his hot breath sweep across my neck like fog. "I liked the kisses a lot Bendy~ They were my favorite part." He whispered and ran a hand down my spine. Every moment I was getting more and more flustered. "Hm~ well anyways, I'm sorta tired. Excuse me." He said and gently picked me up, laying where I had been nestled and setting me down on his soft sweater. I purred and rubbed against the easily knead-able material. It was so soft like clouds, but also rough enough to sink my claws into. I heard him chuckle and blushed at the sound of his warm voice. I looked up at the blonde man and purred, smiling. "You sound cute like that." I blurted, covering my mouth and blushing more. Cup pulled me closer and affectionately kissed my forehead. "Thank you Bends, I'm glad you like my natural voice. Not everyone can be so open." He said and slowly petted my cheek. My whole body felt warm and comfortable, like I was at home. "Cuphead, can we kiss?" I asked and leaned closer to him. Cup's expression relaxed and he cupped my cheeks. "Of course we can." He told me and pulled me into a gentle, blissful kiss. It was so calming to feel his soft, tender lips on mine. I didn't want this feeling to end.. It's heavenly. I wrapped my arms around the taller man's neck and pressed closer to him, hoping to deepen the kiss. He pulled me off and I squirmed. "Heyyy-!" I whined and Cup snickered. "Bendy you can't expect me to survive without air, can you?" He reasoned, though I continued to pout.

He rolled his eyes and held me close like a plush, his arms tightly squeezing me and forcing me to tuck my head into his neck. I didn't complain due to how extremely warm he was making me. It was like when I was a baby being swaddled, but in my lover's arms instead. Wait... Lover? I internally sighed at my thoughts and got comfy. I liked the gentle back pets I was receiving as Cup settled down as well. I still wanted more answers to my questions. "Cuphead..?" "Yes Bendy?" "Does us.. Does us kissing mean anything? And doing all of this other stuff, does that mean anything?" I asked, fearing the answer. My heart was aching in anticipation of the rejection, but it never came. "Hah- Bends, of course that means something. In fact it means a lot." He told me and continued to stroke my back. "Yeah..?" I whispered doubtfully. "Yeah. It means a lot of things, like that we might be able to date... If you want that." He suggested, causing me to perk up. "Date?" I repeated, not fully grasping the concept. "Just to try it out. Nothing crazy." He assured me and made me look at him. He looked unsure and worried about my reactions, but was trying to hide it. "Yeah.. we can date." I finally told the blonde who was holding his breath. He sighed in relief and smiled warmly at me. "Then you can call me your boyfriend, and I'll just call you my little slu-." I cut him off by playfully slapping his cheek. It was so gentle that it might seem like a pat. He laughed and his smile widened. "Alright alright, maybe not that. I'll call you my boyfriend as well then?" He said with a small question inside of his words. "No. I insist you call me what you've called me before." I said confidently and roused a chuckle from him. "Alright Bends, but what about when I can't help myself~?" He purred out. My cheeks grew warmer and I stared at him. "W-Well- In that case- just do anything-?" I said awkwardly, earning a snicker from Cuphead. "Alright, fair enough." He responded and slowly rubbed the back of my head. I leaned into the touch as much as I could and closed my eyes, trying to relax and think. I had a ton of questions racing through my mind, but I was too afraid to ask most of them. Things only desperate dreamers would ask. Things about the future. I continued to stay like this for I don't know how long, and my mind drifted through many different possible scenarios. I wanted to know everything. Eventually I piped up and voiced some of my questions. I couldn't hold them in.

"Cuphead.. Will you kill me?" I asked quietly and looked at him worriedly. "No Bendy, I won't hurt you at all." He reassured me and pecked my lips. "Don't you worry, I'll protect you from anything." He said and held me close, comforting me with slow rhythmic strokes on my back. I happily purred, very satisfied with the answer. "My big protector hm..? I like that~." I purred out and stroked under his chin playfully. I eyed his pink, soft lips and leaned closer. "Be my big strong protector for a long time~." I purred out and kissed him, purring louder as he kissed back without hesitation. "Of course my kitten." He said happily and then kissed me once more. I pulled him down closer to me and forced his mouth open, causing him to flinch on surprise. I roughly kissed him and pressed my tongue against his, my mind melting at the somewhat sexual contact. This was turning out to be a long, loving night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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