Chapter 13

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Courtney's Mum is still there when Dr Erindale visits that evening – Courtney and Shayne, however, are not, having gone off for her brain MRI. Still, Dr Erindale steps inside and introduces himself to her mother.

"We're working on a pathway to release – it's looking good, I'll go into more detail when Courtney and Shayne are back – but do you know where she'd actually be released to? Given her length of stay and ongoing support needs, we will need to do up a proper discharge plan," he tells her, Corey nodding in understanding.

"I think you'd have to talk to Shayne or Courtney best for that, but- I think it'd be best if she could go back to her own apartment," she replies, watching the doctor nod.

"Of course, of course, it's just- her file says she lives alone, which could be an issue... Does she have other family in the area she could stay with just for a little while? You?" he pushes.

"I don't live in the state, but her Dad does- but I really think you need to talk to Courtney, because she might be able to have support at her house," she reinforces, the doctor accepting just that and stepping out to see another patient until they return.

His visit is quick, when they do return: he tells them the x-ray showed her leg is healing well, and they can change her cast to a more convenient one on Friday. The nerve tests on her hand had shown a little slowing in the nerve responses in her fingers, but nothing major.

"It would definitely explain what you've been experiencing, but it's not really anything to worry about, and it should slowly improve on its own – and if it doesn't, there's a couple of medications we could test that could prompt it a little," he explains, Courtney nodding slowly in response, grateful to have her feeling that something was off validated.

"I think it's already improving," she admits, and he tells her that's a good sign, and that means her hands, too, can be ticked off in their four-step plan towards her going home – just walking and the MRI result to go.

Courtney's mother leaves not long after the doctor does, Courtney and Shayne settling into comfortable conversation about nothing in particular as they eat their dinner and let the evening progress.


"Hey Courtney, Shayne," Emma greets them with a careful smile, stepping into the room after knocking on the door just after 8 - shift changeover.

"Oh- hi Emma," Courtney replies, mildly confused, although she quickly shifts her (Shayne's) sweater out of the way and holds out her arm for her to affix the blood pressure cuff around.

"I thought you had a couple days off?" Shayne asks, picking up on Courtney's same confusion.

"I swapped from day shift tomorrow to night shift today- Joey who was on last night needed to swap, one of his kids is sick and not sleeping," she answers, pausing before she continues, "and I asked Joey how you went last night, and given what he told me... Thought it might be good for you to have the nurse that lets Shayne stay on shift tonight."

"Thank you," Courtney mumbles, head tilting sideways against Shayne's.

"No worries. Can I ask how today went? Is the new doctor doing what they're meant to?" she asks, as she packs away the blood pressure cuff again but remains standing beside her bed.

"Today was okay. And yeah, he's- I guess someone told him what's been upsetting me so, yeah. He's explaining everything really clearly and making sure Shayne can be around at tests and things. And he's trying to get me out of here as soon as possible, so," she answers, shrugging slightly as she finishes.

"That's great, I'm happy to hear it. Hopefully you can get home soon," she nods, before moving over to Courtney's charts on the little nurses' bench to write down the observations. She stays silent for a few moments, and when she does turn back to face where they sit on the bed, again, her eyes are hesitant.

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