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It had been almost a month since Jalal got injured, and during that time , Jodha had taken utmost care of Jalal.

Jalal had started liking Jodha's presence even more. A day couldn't pass by for Jalal without having a glimpse of Jodha.

Jodha was in deep sleep while she heard someone calling her name.

"Jodha beta.."

It was Hamida, with a smile Jodha woke up.

Over these past few days she had come closer to Hamida like her own mother.

"You could have just sent a message Ammijan. Why did you take the pain of coming here to meet me. I would have come to you."

Hamida smiled while running her hand through Jodha's hair with love,
"What pain will a mother feel when she has come to meet her daughter? You have taken care of Jalal for almost a month, you must be exhausted, Jodha"

"No , Ammijan it's fine. Tell me what brings you here?"

"Well you see, when Jalal was sick I prayed that both ,you and Jalal would visit dargah once he became healthy. Since Jalal is better now , I was wondering if you could accompany him."

"Sure Ammijan, there's no problem but when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, early morning, get ready Jodha. I have made all the arrangements. Take rest today my child."

After biding goodbye to Hamida, Jodha went back to her slumber. Over the past few weeks she hardly got any sleep. Jalal had been pestering her, making her massage his head, sing for him and whenever she would get angry, he would say his present condition was caused by her.

But by Kanha's grace, Jalal was fine now and she was relieved of her duties.

And just as Jodha thought she would take a rest, Ammijan had informed her about the trip to dargah. It meant 2 whole week of Jalal's nonstop taunting.

Jodha let out a loud sigh just thinking about it. But she couldn't deny, over time he had listened to her solutions , he did give her a chance to speak, he respected her opinion.
She had started taking a liking in Jalal but definitely not in a romantic way.

While her mind strayed to the times she spent taking care of him, she didn't hear the guard announcing Jalal's arrival.

Jalal's POV-

He missed her.

Jalal missed Jodha a lot. He wanted to injure himself again so that she would come and take care of him.

He realized that if a day passed by without having a glimpse of her , he felt restless.

Jalal had never felt this way, maybe, just a little bit he wanted to get closer to her.

When he heard about the visit to dargah arranged by his Ammijan, he couldn't contain his happiness.

2 weeks with Jodha, it would be fun taunting her, watching her laugh when he cracked a joke, her angry face when she massaged his head, without realizing ,Jalal was smiling with happiness.

He had to visit her, he wanted to see her before he went to the court.

Jodha' room:

Jodha's room was right next to Jalal's. It took just 5 mins to walk from his room to hers.

Jodha was lost in thoughts when Jalal entered her room.

The smell of sandalwood had filled the room, it was her distinctive smell. He had gotten used to it while she was taking care of him. And in the other corner of the room, he saw a diya lit up in front of her Kanha.

Forbidden Love- Akdha fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora