You knew who he was. How could you not? He was the most famous rapper in South Korea, and his music even made it to the United States to play over their radios. You also had some sort of hatred for him since he carried a resemblance to your first love all those years ago.

You didn't know him personally, but you followed information about him. He always seemed like the quiet type. Someone who would have a hard time speaking up if he needed help. There was a possibility that this suicide was believable, but something in you deep down felt like the world was wrong on this one.

You continued to pack your things and were excited to move away from this quiet town. Not many spirits roamed about here, it was very seldom, and the people who passed were usually the elderly who were dying to see their loved ones. No one ever stayed here; it just wasn't the place for it. And that's why you thought it was perfect.

But things change, and you were ready to face the real world—or the otherworldly—again. That didn't mean you were going to go around kissing ghosts again since you swore that off so many years back, but something was calling you to the city. Maybe it was your powers; perhaps it was just because you missed it. Either way, you were hell-bent on moving, especially since the apartment you bought was dirt-cheap. You were ready for your move but had to wait a few more weeks yet.

"Good morning. It's bright and sunny here today in the heart of Seoul, with partially cloudy skies later on." The radio blasted through the cab speakers. "It's a beautiful November night, and we're expecting our first snow tonight, so prepare those hearts for love and—"

"Excuse me, sir?" You interrupted the radio as it still kept going. "Could you please change the station?"

The cab driver chuckled, but before he changed it for you, he muttered a joke. "I'm guessing you have no one to share the first snow with, huh?"

You knew it was a joke. And hell, he was probably just trying to make you laugh. But it hit home for you since you haven't spent the first snow with anyone special in your nearly one hundred years of life.

One hundred years ago, you met a beautiful soul. He was the love of your life. The reason you wanted to live. He died tragically, and you had to live on while seeing his ghost wander about in search of the afterlife.

Many years later, you've noticed humans who looked strangely similar to him, and every life he lived, he'd suffer too young. You gave up trying to find him after another hundred years passed, mainly because that rapper who just committed suicide looked just like him.

As the cab driver pulled to the side of the road in front of a sizeable balcony-styled apartment complex, you swiped your card to pay the fee and mumbled a thank you as you hopped out to meet the moving truck that followed you there.

"Just letting you know, we don't offer help with moving things in," the driver of the truck told you as he hopped out of the vehicle. "We only deliver the stuff."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" You stood as you watched him open the latch of the back. "Shit, I'm sorry. It's just been a shitty day."

"I can tell." That is all the man said and hopped in the back of the truck to grab the boxes. Luckily you didn't have much, but you were on the third floor, which meant you had to carry all of these boxes up. You hoped they had an elevator.

The truck driver tossed the last box onto the sidewalk, and you hissed at him, running over to check on the items inside. "Would be more gentle? I swear you guys think you could do anything you want."

"Well, yeah. And we get paid for it, too." He smirked at you but had a weird glimpse in his eye. "Hey, do you by chance have a boyfriend?"

"Yes." You were holding back, rolling your eyes. "Now here, take the money and go."

Bts imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें