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***Keep your thoughts***

I was on my way to catch a train back to Fitchburg, when someone gripped me and placed a sack over my head.

I didn't see who it was but I could tell that I was going down danger lane, because next I saw myself was in a place I couldn't recognize-and that was after I woke up.

"Wh-where am I?" I looked drowsily, a faint image grinning widely at me. "H-how am I here? What did I do?"

"You're in a warehouse," a hoarse voice came. "No one will ever be able to find you here." he said.

I tried to know who it was. The voice sounded really familiar, and wasn't any different from-

"James!" I gasped. "I-I thought you were dead?"

He cackled and moved away from me. "I'm alive, baby!"

I sweated profusely, heart beating at the thought of what he was going to do to me-revenge-slow, steady voices echoed in my head.

"What do you want from me? Why did you bring me here?"

He made an all-familiar sound with his mouth, the ticking noise making me want to punch him.

"You ask too many questions, mi Amor," he crouched and raised my chin. "My! I never thought I'd see this pretty face of yours again."

"Get your hands off me, you bastard!"

A slap I didn't expect to get, came on me, and sent me seeing stars-all of different colours.

"You've really got some nerves... Parker!" he snarled.

"Go to hell!" I spat in his face.

He bit his bottom lip, in a way to hold in his anger, and wiped his face with the handkerchief in his hand.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today," he said with a snort, motioning to a guy with a bad hair-do, whom I presumed was his partner.

He whispered something to him, and he nodded in agreement, clutching his gun as he walked to the other end of the large tin-roofed warehouse.

It was not quite long before some men came moving in, another bound with chains, staggering toward us as they pushed and kicked him.

"Ph-Philip?" I couldn't believe it. It was no other person than him. "You animal! Why do you have Philip?"

"Tri... cia,"

I looked in pity, hearing him call my name. "Philip. Philiip-James, let Philip go. He hasn't done anything!" I tried to release my hand from the hurting ropes. Why is James doing this? Philip's never done anything to him.

"Awe. Such charming lovebirds you two are," he chuckled maniacally.

And I fumed. "I curse the day I met you!"

He smiled with one hand placed on his chest. "So sweet," he said.

The men pushed Philip and he came falling.

"Watch it, assholes!"

One of them gave me a vicious snort.

"Whoo-hoo. Hope I'm not too late?"

I raised my head on recognizing the voice. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"My, my, my. Who do we have here?"

I gasped in shock. "Daphne?!"

She laughed aloud. "That's my name, baby!"

I couldn't believe what a monster she was. She's been working with James all this time and had made us believe she was innocent and good. "You backstabber!"

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