Midnight Chase Chapter 4

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*Gabrielle's POV*

My eyes soon closed but where closed for only 5 minutes before Chey's alarm went off. I groaned while putting my pillow over my head which didn't do anything because of my keen wolf hearing. Since that didn't work, I got my pillow and threw it at Chey's head.

Chey- "What the actual f"ck was that for Gabby?"

"Turn off your d@mn alarm!"

Chey-"Okay but did you really have to hit me with your pillow?"

"Is that even a question? Any chance I get to hit you, I take it."

When Chey turned off the alarm and I turned around to go back to sleep, I hear a gasp coming from Chey. I look back at her and her eyes are big.

"What? Did I grow a second arm over the night and I didn't know about it?"

Chey- "Your.....your....back. You found your mate?" She said looking up and down my back confused.

"Aw sh't. I forgot about those. Yea I did Chey. Last night at that."

Chey- "How in the f"ck can you just 'forget' something like that?"

"I don't know, I was kinda wishing it was all just a dream you know, I'm not really ready for one yet."

Chey- "Well who is the lucky guy?"

"Um its..its...Stark." I said really lowly but luckily she was listening in and she caught what I said. I didn't really want to tell her because I knew she was going to flip and just as I assumed she flipped.

Chey- "OH MY FIDDLE STICKS!!! THAT IS JUST OMG!! Good catch, Stark is a nice looking dude."

"Hey now, don't start admiring my mate, and please keep the squealing to a minimum."

Chey- "Yes ma'am Gabby Wolfe."

"Oh stuff it would ya." I said as we both laughed a little bit.

When I was done telling her about what happened after they went in their room last night, we hear a knock on the door. Chey and I looked at each other and we both shook our heads saying that we didn't invite someone over. Soon Stark opens the door and makes his way towards me.

"Um, is there something I can help you with?"

Stark- "I believe you have something to show me." He said referring to the marks.

"Oh um yea, I guess I do." I said as I was getting out of bed. I turned around and moved my hair so the marks were visible to him. He started tracing them with his fingers and I shuddered under his touch. He growled and said ,"Not ugh ugh, don't be afraid and don't move." He continued tracing them until he stopped by my waistline. "Does it continue all the way down?"

"If they did, you aren't going to see them but I don't know, I was so shocked to check."

"Correction, if they did go down all the way, I have a right to see them and I have a right to anything on my mate's body. P.s. I would see them just not the right time to see them."

Before anything else could happen, Dakota came into the room and interrupted us. Saved by the wolf princess.

Stark looked me like he could hear my thoughts.

"I can hear your thoughts. It is something mates share together. That is only one thing mates can do and I will tell you the rest later."

Dakota was trying to figure out what was going on and then she said, "Guys please, it is a bedroom, at least wait until it is night time to get it on. I don't need to see that." She said referring to Stark and his hands on my waist.

Chey- "Yea guys please get some privacy. I am going to be pissed if THAT was the highlight of my day." She said as she entered the room. She left our room when Stark came in demanding to see my marks.

"I didn't demand, I simply asked something you had to answer to." He said through the mind link. I did a tiny chuckle and Dakota and Chey looked at me and Chey said, "We know we are funny but I don't think what we said was that funny." Dakota looked at Chey and said, "I don't think that chuckle was for us." Chey had a confused look on her face. "Um what are you talking about?" She asked. Dakota answered, "Well from what I gather, mates share a lot of different gifts. Mates can read each other minds, they can also be able to heal each together and tell whether that person is in trouble. They also get marks that connect to each other like a puzzle piece but the marks are very secretive and no other male shall see them. Mates are also very protective and will stop at nothing for their mate. Most importantly, mates complete you. There is a lot more to come with being mated to someone, I just got the basic important details."

Me and Chey were so amazed by what Dakota was saying about the mates. Me and Chey asked Dakota in unison, "How do you know all that Koty?" (Koty is me and Chey's nickname for Dakota.) Dakota just answered saying that her mom and dad told her this because she was becoming age of being mated. She said your parents have the "talk" about being mated with you when you about to be 18. My eyes started tearing up and I didn't know one of my eyes traveled down my face until Stark wiped it and mind linked me saying, "It is a wonderful thing Mina, no need to be sad." I looked at him and said, "It's not that being mated is a bad thing, just that I never got that talk and I never will." Stark looked confused and I said, "My mom died two years ago before we got that talk, the night she was killed, that was suppose to be the night she was going to tell us about being mated and marked." I looked at Chey who started crying and I went over there and hugged her.

After about 10 minutes of silence and crying, Dakota bought up this idea, "Let's go SHOPPING!!" She said as she squealed. We wiped our faces then Chey said she was up for it because she needed to get out the house and I said that was okay and Stark answered by saying, "Anywheres my mate goes, I go." After that everyone left my room and they all got dressed. We met back up, after about 30 minutes, in the living room and took Dakota's vehicle and we were off shopping into the town village.

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