9|| Bitter Reunion

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Sophia stared at the large monitor that displayed pictures of Slade and Rose. Lines of white text filled the screen next to the pictures but none of the information made it past her eyes. She couldn't focus, not on the information or the people that stood around her.

The room felt too small and her ears were ringing.

Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, had a kid. He had a daughter, an innocent child that he somehow dragged into this mess. It wasn't fair. How could anyone willingly love such a terrible human being?

Maybe he hid his true nature from her, the same way her father did with her mother. Maybe Deathstroke murdered the woman he claimed to love too.

"Yep. The one and only Deathstroke." Jason's voice boomed through Sophie's ears.

He stood beside Gar, who was still seated in front of the metal desk, and looked over his shoulder at Rachel, Dick, and her. She hadn't moved from her place in the doorway, she couldn't find the power to move her feet. A dull ache still shot up her thigh everytime she put weight on it.

Rachel furrowed her brow and glanced over at Dick and Sophie. "Is that someone you guys know?"

Dick tore his eyes away from the screen and gave a sharp nod. "Kind of. It's old Titans business."

She couldn't help but notice the tone of his voice. He kept it steady and calm, and she would have believed him if she couldn't see the way the muscles in his jaw twitched at the mention of Slade's name. He was trying to appear stoic but she couldn't tell if it was for the others sake or for his own.

Sophie frowned down at her worn runners. She hadn't known Garth the way the others had but she saw how his death tore a hole through everything the Titans were. It broke them, or she assumed it did. It wasn't like Dick kept her around after Garth's death. She only saw the aftermath when he returned to the manor, alone and so lifeless. Something changed him but she never pushed him to tell her what.

"-Select soldiers who underwent a series of experimental bio-enhancements." Gar leaned closer to the screen, reading out the lines of information next to the graphic images of other dead test subjects. "Out of the 35 trial subjects, the only one to survive was Slade Wilson."

Sophie breathed slowly. She couldn't help but wonder how well he would fare against her now. Maybe it was just pride talking or anger, but she wanted to fight him, to put a dagger to his throat, or straight through his chest like the bullet he put through Garth.

"-after the death of his son Jericho." Gar finished.

Deathstroke had two kids? How had she never heard of them before? Bruce had to have known about them, he kept tabs on all of the villains he's faced. So why didn't he tell her about this? Or was this just another secret he kept between Batman and Robin?

Sophie looked over at Dick. He didn't look like someone who just found out his mortal enemy had children. He seemed detached, lost somewhere deep in his mind.

His brown eyes flickered over to her, as if he could feel her stare, before he turned his attention back to Gar.

"I tried having the computer find-"

"-I'll take it from here." He cut Gar off as he walked over to the computer and closed the programs.

Gar sank down in his seat and stared up at Dick. He opened his mouth to ask questions or protest but before he could speak an alarm sounded.

"Security alert. Main entrance, access denied." The automated security system spoke.

A smaller screen at the side of the desk displayed the live feed of the building's entrance. Dawn, Hank, and Donna all stood outside by the front door.

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