6|| The Tower

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"Here we are." Sophie muttered as she pushed open the door to one of the spare bedrooms.

She still had the winding halls memorized from all of those late nights she spent wandering around. Nothing had really changed since then, at least nothing on the surface.

Something about the dark halls felt different in a way she couldn't quite explain. She remembered walking through the halls with sunlight beaming down on her and a sense of hope in the air, now things felt cold.

She pushed away her thoughts and followed Tyler into the large room. Like all the other bedrooms it had clean grey walls that were slightly lighter than the ones in the main areas, dark floors, and large floor to ceiling windows that overlooked San Francisco.

A large bed was pushed up against the wall left of the door. Across from it was a small reading area with plush arm chairs and wall mounted shelves. A wooden dresser sat against the wall next to the door, and a standing mirror stood beside it.

The room was nice in the way that a hotel room was nice, but it felt stale and lacked personality. Though, she knew Tyler would quickly make it his own.

He stood in front of the large windows. The lights from the city below casted a dull golden ring around him.

She smiled softly and walked over to him. His brown eyes flickered over to her before he brushed his hand against hers.

"So this is where the Titan's live?" His voice filled her head, along with that throbbing pressure.

"Yeah." She looked back at the never ending skyline. She always loved how bright and elegant San Fran was compared to Gotham. "It's pretty cool huh?"

Tyler nodded but it was clear from the way his lips tugged down into a frown that something else clouded his mind.

"Can I ask you something?" He quickly looked up at her before his gaze shifted back to the city.

"Sure?" She shrugged. She was almost surprised he hadn't asked her a thousand questions already. Coming here, somewhere so different and far from Gotham had to be a shock.

He gulped nervously and looked down at his runners. "Why are you so tense?" His voice was small, nervous, even inside her head.

Sophie couldn't stop herself from scoffing. The list of reasons was ever changing and constantly growing. It would be easier and take way less time to list all the reasons she wasn't stressed.

Instead she forced a smile onto her lips and bumped her shoulder into his. "Cause you're digging around in my head." She answered sarcastically.

Tyler chuckled softly and gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I'm, still trying to figure this out."

"I know," She smiled more genuinely, "just, be mindful. Everyone here's been through a lot and they might not like you digging around in their heads."

Tyler nodded slowly as the small smile on his lips fell.

Sophie sighed and patted his shoulder. "Finish unpacking, I'm going to see if Dick's back yet."

"Ok." Tyler hummed before the pressure eased from her head and her thoughts became her own.

The moment she stepped out into the hall she let her eyes fall closed. Her eyelids felt like they were being dragged down by cement and even the duffel bag on her shoulder was starting to wear on her tired muscles.

The lack of sleep was really starting to catch up with her, but she couldn't justify laying down, at least not until talked to Dick.

She internally groaned at the thought. There was about three months worth of stuff they needed to talk about. Like what was the state of their relationship now? Were they back to keeping secrets and arguing, or were they going to just bounce back to before he left, or were they more?

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