5|| Quiet

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A crisp morning breeze blew through the thin material of Tyler's beige bomber jacket. The cool fresh air filled his lungs and left the faint taste of gasoline in the back of his throat.

Cars shot down the two way street in front of him and people walked quickly down the sidewalks. Everyone was in a rush to get to work, or school, or whatever they were going.

The corners of his lips tugged down before he pushed a hand through his fluffy hair.

He missed the feeling of waking up early and breathing in the cold morning air as he trekked to school. He missed having music blasting in his ears as he stared out the bus's window at the passing scenery.

Tyler pushed away the thoughts before they could run rampant. He was supposed to be excited. He was excited. Sophie was taking him to San Francisco, somewhere warm and where the water doesn't stink like sewage and oil.

He glanced back at Barbara and Sophie. They were both standing in front of the slightly open trunk. Sophie's pale hand rested on the top of it, like she had been in the process of closing it when she got distracted by whatever Barbara was saying.

He frowned slightly. Sophie's peachy lips were moving but he could barely make out what she was saying; then she stopped, and Barbara said something else. It was quick before both girls smiled and hugged one another.

They pulled away and looked his way.

He never missed the way Sophie's green eyes darkened and her lips twitched downwards, but as soon as the look appeared it was gone. She smiled softly and raised her hands.

"You ready to go?" She signed slowly. His American sign language still wasn't great.

He smiled and raised his thumbs. Sophie's chest shook with a laugh he couldn't hear before she closed the trunk and jogged around to the driver side of the car.

Tyler glanced over at Barbara. She smiled warmly and signed. "Have fun, and don't forget to tell your parents where you are."

He laughed softly and nodded. "I won't. Bye Barbara."

Tyler pulled open the passenger door and sank into the soft leather seat. He felt the engine rumble to life and glanced over at Sophie.

She gave him a small, almost reassuring smile before she shifted gears and merged into the traffic.

The early morning, blue sky was slowly brightening as the sun rose over the horizon. The light gleamed off of the skyscrapers in the new district of Gotham. The looming Wayne tower stood out among the rest, like a beacon for Gotham.

He was ready for this. He could feel it in his chest. Gotham was nothing but a curse, ripe with criminals and wars he never wanted to fight.

There was nothing good here, not a goddamn thing.


This wasn't a mistake. She knew it wasn't, but her brain kept making up reasons for her to turn around and run. Not that she could if she wanted too.

She stopped fiddling with the strap of her duffle bag and readjusted it on her shoulder. The silver doors of the elevator reflected her distorted image back at her.

Her sandy blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and loose strands framed her face. She could make out the bags under her eyes and her slightly chapped lips in the distorted metal. Her shoulders were slumped and the rest of her posture was a dead give away of her state.

She quickly stood up a bit straighter and pulled out her ponytail only to quickly tuck all of her hair back into a neat one. She gave her reflection a once over before she turned her attention to Tyler.

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