Side Kick and Encounter Two

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Kuroo pov

I was winded and it took a few minutes to get up from the ground. She had kicked me really hard in the face and by the look of it it hadn't even been a jumping kick. She had simple lifted her knee and pushed her foot at my face. It hurt like hell and I could tell by the smell that she had given me a bloody nose. I looked to the two men to find them gone. They'd most likely run off. I would've done that if a school girl pushed a pencil into my hand or shoulder. I also would be running if that same girl kicked me square in the face. Lucky for me, I didn't have to run since she was already gone. I walked home and washed my face wondering why she'd said sorry to me and what was with her calling me number one? I had no idea, all I knew was that she kicked hard and wasn't the kinda person who needed help with anything. 

The next week on Monday my bruised cheek was mostly gone. I'd told Kenma about my encounter with the friend from Aoba Johsai. I'd looked up the kind of kick she had used on me and found out it was literally called a front kick. I had already come to the conclusion that she did martial arts but me not being an expert on that kinda stuff had no idea what type she did. I also had the urge to find her and ask about what happened on Friday. Of course I wouldn't be able to do that without visiting Aoba Johsai. 

So when school let out for the day I booked it all the way to Aoba Johsai hopping that the team would be in the gym and hopping that the girl would be watching them. I mean Iwaizumi had said that they are rarely apart from each other. So why was she alone when she had the encounter with the two men on Friday? I shook the thought from my head and stared up at the gates of the school. A few leaving students stared at me in confusion. I didn't blame them, there was some weirdo boy with odd hair sticking straight up wearing a uniform from a different school. The bus drive there had taken forever and the entire school was mostly empty by the time I had the nerve to enter the school. 

I walked around in the courtyard of the school until I found the gym and stared into it. The volleyball club wasn't there! I bit the inside of my mouth frustrated. Why weren't they there? Did they not practice on Mondays or did I just miss them? I was about to turn around when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I whirled around to face three people. Each of them I recognized. Oikawa, Iwaizumi and the girl from Friday. The girl stared at me with blank e/c eyes. She looked at Iwaizumi and the Oikawa who were at her right and left sides. 

"What are you doing here number one?" she asked the girl asked honest curiosity in her eyes. The others looked as though they were going to punch me for even stepping foot in their school. I hesitated and the girl who called me number one spoke again. 

"I asked you a question number one, why are you here?" she asked taking a step forwards. I wanted to ask what her name was but instead I asked a different question. A question that made the two boys turn around holding in laughter. 

"Why'd you kick me in the face on Friday?" I asked her. She looked me up and down and then sighed responding. 

"Are you an idiot number one? Or are you just asking stupid questions?" her voice made me take a step backwards. What was wrong with asking that question? Did I say something wrong? So many unspoken questions swirled in my mind making me feel a bit dizzy. 

"Those two men, if they saw you not injured they would've injured you even more. You looked frozen in place. Since you probably were going to just stand there like an idiot I kicked you to make it seem as though you were also harassing me. They aren't going to mess with someone who's doing the same shit as they are. They saw you and ran not giving your sorry ass a second thought because you were already down for the count." she snapped at me turned around and tugged at Oikawa's arm. The three of them began to walk towards the exit of the school when I shouted out to the girl.

"What's your name again?" I ask. She turns around this time with a half smile on her face. 

"y/n! Also, next time you see something like that I'll try out a side kick instead of a front kick!" she laughed and even though it was a half threat I smiled as well. 

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