Forrest Of Birds

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Countless screams of fear, pain, and anger, could be heard as The Ghost butchers the last Mongrels down, when he got to the last one he ended it quickly with a pierce to the chest

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Countless screams of fear, pain, and anger, could be heard as The Ghost butchers the last Mongrels down, when he got to the last one he ended it quickly with a pierce to the chest.
It was over.
He was done.
The rein of Mongrels were over.
Countless years enslaved to fighting off the Mongrels.
Jin Sakai was tired, he hasn't slept in weeks. He was weak but he still fought, standing over the dead bodies that fell waste, his eyes felt heavy as his body fell limp slowly, he dropped to the floor of the ship, closing his eyes.

Jin Sakai
Cause of death:
Over exhaustion


All Jin could see was void, the sea of emptiness, all alone.

"Your story doesn't end here Sakai."

What appeared in front of him was Gyozen The Storyteller.

"Your legend will never fade."

Before Jin could react Jin's body fades away as his eyes were forced shut.

As soon as he opens his eyes a bright light fills his eyes causing his to close them back as he blocks the light with his hand, he flutters his eyes as he looks around him.

Red, all he could see was the light of the sun.

He stood up feeling how rejuvenated he is, it is almost like he had weeks worth of sleep.

He looked to see his Ghost attire and gear, they seemed normal and fine.

He looks around again, seems like he is in a middle of nowhere.

He walks aimlessly not knowing where he is.

'Gyozen should of dropped me into a village.' Jin thought as he pushes away some bushes.

Time pass and he still hasn't found anything or anyone.

Until a huge roar came from behind him, Jin looks back to a Ursai.

Ghost Of Tshushima: New LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now