Chapter 15

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Juvia"a devil user?"

(Y/n)"yes and it seems to be coming from above us"

Gimodelo"not only that but they are pretty tough"

Juvia"are they even tougher than you (y/n)-sama?"

(Y/n)"we seem to be on each other's level"

They continued ahead with the others and noticed they were at a a room with two stair cases

Simon"this way"

Erza"right Come one let's hurry!"

Everyone else went towards the stair case on the right while (y/n) went to the left with juvia following from behind

(Y/n)"huh? You're coming with us juvia?"

Juvia"of course I'm coming with (y/n)-sama I wanna show you how much stronger Juvia has become from your training"

Gimodelo"we'll if it can't be helped let's let her come with us"

(Y/n)"the mana is getting more tense the farther we go I might have to bring in one of the higher shadow beasts to help us"

Juvia"now that juvia thinks about it (y/n)-sama never told her about the shadow beasts"

(Y/n)"oh that's right"

Gimodelo"well water girl shadow beasts are creatures that live in the dark not wanting to be seen we come in different species some are myths others wild beasts and devils while celestial spirits are out going and stand out more shadow beasts don't instead they ignore the attention and hide away inly choosing strong users that have magic related to shadow or darkness like sir (y/n)"

Juvia"does anyone lead over the shadow beasts Gimodelo-san?"

(Y/n)"yes her name is Gorgon she's the queen of all shadow beasts she alone can wipe out humanity but doesn't since she sees no reason to do it she has a glare that can turn anyone to stone so she wears a blindfold most of the time and her skin has snake scales while her hair has snake heads attached to the ends of it as well as a long snake tail shadow beasts either take form of a beast or human"

Gimodelo"people using them is so rare that not even the magic council knows the last recorded event of a shadow mage using one of the shadow beasts"

Juvia"(y/n)-sama must be very powerful to use them then"

Gimodelo"of course sir (y/n) is his mana is amazing!"

(Y/n)"we're close now"

They stopped in a large room and noticed a large door

Gimodelo"they're in there"

(Y/n)"let's see who this devil user is"

Upon opening the door it was fully pitch black inside

Juvia"it's pure black..."

Gimodelo"this aura... IT'S A TRAP!!!"

Just then they fell into the darkness

(Y/n)"damnit we fell for it!"

Gimodelo"somethings not right I sense another devil magic as well and another it feels cursed for some odd reason"

After a while they landed on a floor the room was completely different it was like they were no longer in the tower anymore

Juvia"where are we...?"


They were caught off gaurd by a scream above and saw someone crash into the floor

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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