Alcohol and Mistletoe (FrostIron Style)

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"No, no, no, no, n- TONY!"

The group roared in laughter as Bruce was unceremoniously drug into the circle by Clint and Tony. Mostly Tony. He had tried, after the last spin, to slink away into the back and hide, unwilling to be embarrassed. 

After being plopped down in the middle, the scientist sighed, realizing there was noway to avoid the inevitable. Cursing his luck, he picked up the bottle nervously. Breathing in through the nose, and out through the mouth, paused, then finally set the bottle on the ground with a small clunk.

"No. I'm not spinning. I can't... I-I take the dare..."

A hush fell over the men at the words, afraid they had awakened the beast inside the man before them. Once a handful of heartbeats passed, they cheered again, eagerly whispering to each other for ideas.

Tony whispered to Clint.

"No! She'd kill us!"

Sam whispered to Thor.

"I say! I will not take part of that!"

Steve whispered to Bucky.

"Captain America! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" 

"LANGUAGE!" roared the room in response. Steve sulked.

Letting the bickering continue for another minute or two, just to see Banner squirm with anxiousness, Loki spoke. 

"I say, I have an idea," he paused as everyone quietened to listen, "I say we have Dr. Banner..." the trickster paused once more, smirk adorning his face and slithering across his features and he looked at Bruce. The other swallowed shallowly under the heavy gaze. "allow someone draw a face on his abdomen," Loki finished.

Bruce released a sigh of relief as the rest cheered, glad he wouldn't be too horribly humiliated. Sam jumped up with Bucky  in search of a Sharpie. Tony and Steve came up behind the Hulk, holding back his arms as the other two came stumbling in, tripping in their drunken stupor. After being caught up in a random cord, the Sam face planted, causing Bucky to follow, knocking a laugh out of them.

"Got it!" Sam said proudly, handing the pen to Clint, who popped the top. Crawling to the semi-restrained Banner, he lifted the grey shirt and giggled. 

"I get to draw!" he said, happily.

Loki scoffed. "These are the people whom I could not take Midgard from?"

Thor gasped and retorted. "Quiet, Loki. They are my friends and although they may be like this-"

"Oh," the younger eyed him, "Yes, because you're in a much better than they are at the moment." Thor simply found a corner to pout in at the words.

Once Hawkeye and stopped giggling enough about what was happening to actually draw, he had gotten ink on himself, Bucky's eyebrow, and at  least three pillows. Finally, he bent over and began to doodle, adding eyes and about, using Bruce's belly button as a nose. 

As the pen squeaked across his skin, the scientist started to squirm. "N-no! Hah! Stop! Tickles!" he cried, face wrenched up in a quiet laughter.

Before long, it was over. Clint felt proud of his, as he called it, tattoo, and Bruce was just happy his turn was over.

"This means... You! Reindeer ass! You're up!" the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist cried as he chucked the bottle to the mage. 

Snatching the bottle, Loki frowned. He was really not looking forward to this. "I prefer the other name, you buffoon," he retorted quietly, spinning the bottle with a sharp snap of his wrist.

The room held their breath, watching the bottle spin and spin, slower and slower. Finally, it came to a halt, and Loki looked up.


Tony whined. "Aww... Why not sugar? Too much for you?"

The Frost Giant scowled and retorted. "I never said such a thing. I simply refuse to kiss you."

Laughing, Ironman stood, stumbling over to the god. "'s fine. I'll come to you!" he exclaimed happily, the men laughing as he was tripped, reaching out to hold onto something to break the fall. Only to land on the one god that was pissed off at him. 

"Stark, I swear, if you do not get off me now I w-mphf!"

The human connected their lips, silencing the other from his threat, a plethora of wolf whistles escaping behind them. 

Ears flushing a deep pink in anger, Loki feebly tried to force the hero off him. Sighing, he finally let it go and pressed back. It was over too soon. At least, too soon for Loki's taste.

Stark winked as he pulled away returning to his spot. 

"Alright! Looks like I'm the last one"

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