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Making their way into the Stark tower, Loki's mind was still churning with wonderfully horrible tricks he could pull with limited magic. Letting out a small sigh as the twin doors swished open, all heads turned towards the Asgardian duo led by Stark. 

Eyeing the god of Mischief carefully, Bruce spoke up. "Are you sure about this? I mean, he did try to rule our planet."

Cringing internally, Loki simply glared. They had no idea. None of them. No clue as to how much pain and suffering he had to endure.

"I can assure you, he is harmless. The bracelet restricts his magic to the bare minimum and he will be kept inside the tower at all times. Besides, I will ensure he behaves," Thor reassured the team, glancing threateningly at the raven haired man. 

Sending back a look of mock hurt, Loki replied, his voice dripping in sarcasm, "Oh, of course brother dear. Why would you ever think I wouldn't?" 

Earning a grunt of disapproval, the god chuckled and took a small step backwards, eyeing the group before him. 

Steve stepped forward, confused. "Why exactly are you both here? Not to be rude.."

"Reindeer games and Thunder-man over here were sent to learn about our culture," Tony explained, walking behind the counter to pour himself a drink. "And they came just in time for Christmas.." he added, taking a sip of the burning liquid.

Thor tilted his head slightly, like a confused puppy. "Christmas? What might that be?"

The team exchanged glaces and Tony spoke up once more. "Well... how 'bout we just show you..."

Roughly a hour later, which included snide remarks, uncooperative and overly excited gods, and decorations, Tony, Bruce, Steve, Natasha, and Clint explained what Christmas was and how it was celebrated. Well, in their terms. 

"Come Loki!" started Thor who had adorned himself in a Santa hat, "Join in this 'Christmas Cheer' that my friends have shared!" Smiling happily from the new knowledge and joy of the Midgaurdian holiday, the god was in a good mood as he, Steve, Tony, and Loki sat around a table, attempting to relax. Bruce left to go to his lab and the two assassins went to gosh knows where.

Huffing in annoyance, the raven headed god eyed them all harshly. "I have no interest in any Midgaurdian culture, much less participating in such meaningless celebrations." Sitting back into the plush cushion, Loki crossed his arms, looking out the window, gears churning once more in how to exact revenge for this annoying act. 

Smirking widely as Steve told them about ornaments they could get to put on their soon-to-be tree, Loki's light bulb went off with flying colors. It wasn't much, to him, since he hadn't been in Stark tower long, and the first time he was here, well, he didn't exactly get a grand tour.

Standing as he 'politely' excused himself to the room he was given, he gently snapped his fingers as he left, chuckling to himself once he reached the safety of his room, listening carefully.

Back out in one of the many media rooms, Tony, Steve, and Thor still discussed decor as Clint, Natasha, and Bruce walked in and sat down. And it was just in time.

Suddenly, the room temperature dropped and Stark glared at the ceiling. "JARVIS, come on. Turn the heater back on."

"Sir, I don't know what's wrong... the room is doing this on its own. I have no control over it."

A long pause followed as white specks fell from nowhere, slowly covering the floor, furniture, as well as the Avengers. 

"Is this..." Clint began, scooping up the fluffy whiteness.

"...snow?" Natasha finished, looking at Thor.

Sighing heavily, the god stood. "Loki!" he shouted, starting off to where the said man retreated to. However, before he even cleared the room, a large mound of snow was dumped on every last hero, perhaps, just a little more added to Thor and Tony's piles. 

Chuckling to himself from the confines of his room, Loki sat in a chair reading, humming quietly as he plotted his next trick. Oh, if Midgaurians loved this 'Christmas' so much, he would use it, twist it, and make them hate it.

Tony, however, had a very different take on the matter. After being quite... upset about the snow bombardment, his own, sickeningly mad gears began to twirl as he looked in the direction the mischief maker was. 'It's on.'

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