Chapter 16- Training Camp: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart." The blue cat girl insists.

"Understood." Deku responds, while Kiri and Denki have weird expression on their face as they stared at her. Feeling eyes on me I quickly look over to see the boy was staring at me, but as we made eye contact he immediately looks away. "The look in his eyes they were as if he's seen it all." I think as I can't tear my eyes from him as I see the dark cloud grow bigger.

"Everyone say hello." Mr. Aizawa instructs causing everyone to. I find myself in front of the boy and bend down to his level.

"Hi there, I'm (Y/N) Toshinori. May I ask your name?" I question as he glares at me and then turns his head away, staying silent for a moment.

"Kota." The boy responds and I smile.

"It's very nice to meet you, Kota." I insist as I go to pat his head, but he walks away. "Great he's a miniature Kacchan..." I think letting out a sigh.

"-At the base of the mountain." I hear the red cat lady says. "Shit, I haven't been listening at all." I think as I quickly look over.

"That's far!" Everyone choruses.

"Uh, then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Ochaco asks as she turns to Tsu, who puts a finger to her chin.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that." Tsu answers.

"That can't be right." Sato points out.

"Um, back on the bus quickly, let's go." Sero whispers with a worried expression.

"Good idea, load up." Denki smiles, but I shake my head slightly. "I figured it wouldn't be that easy to get to camp." I think as I put my fists up with a confident expression.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning if you're fast about it you might make it there by noon." The red cat lady informs as her tails sways side to side. A smirk spreads across my face as several people put on a scared expression.

"No way, guys!" Kirishima bellows.

"Holly crap!" Mina chirps.

"Save yourselves!" Kirishima calls out.

"Now this is what Im talking about!" I declare, while activating One For All as a lot of people begin rushing towards the bus.

"Kitties who don't make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch." The red cat lady informs.

"You should have guessed students the Training Camp has already begun." Mr. Aizawa insists, while the blue cat jumps in front of the bus as she uses her quirk. Sand heads towards me, but I jump up from the cliff. Feeling eyes on me once again I look over to see the boy glaring up at me, but I then smile at him. "Let's see what Kacchan 2.0. will think of that." I think as I see his eyes widen, while putting on a surprised expression and the dark cloud shrinks a bit as I hear everyone screaming behind me.

"WOOHOO!" I call out as I begin to fall along with everyone else, but I land on the ground beneath me.

"Good news, since this is private land. You can use your quirks as much as you want to as Miss Toshinori has already figured out. You've got 3 full hours. You should be able to make it to the facility in that time. That is if you can get through the Beast Forest." The red cat's voice echoes out. "And here I thought Summer Camp was gonna be boring." I think as a smirk appears on my face, while a lot of people begin to freak out. Mineta begins heading for the woods when a gaint monster appears in front of me causing several screams to sound.

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